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RE: Swimming pool greatness: A personal account of an [almost] sporting triumph

in #life5 years ago

I don’t know if you are familiar with the works of Chuck Palahniuk (wrote Fight Club) but he has a short story called Guts, which involves a pool and a tragic accident. Your story reminded me of that, though yours is quite mellow compared to it, tragically funny the way you write it, but certainly it must have been horrible when it happened to you.


I've heard of Fight Club but not read it, nor have I read Guts.

Later in life I came to handle pain, and fear for that matter, quite well however as a 9 year old having some teeth broken off like that well, it wasn't the best feeling ever. Kids are resilient though I guess.

I'll check out that Guts piece...Cheers for bringing it to my attention. Oh also, whiskey stones testing happening Saturday morning. 😉

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Fair warning, a few people reportetly passed out when Chuck read that on his book tour, it’s not for the faint of heart.

I'm not the faint of heart sort of guy Eve - Generally anyways. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

Edit: I just took a read @eveuncovered It's written so matter of factly isn't it? Almost like he's just going through the motions of telling the story, so emotionless really. It conveys hopelessness, despondency. Pretty brutal but I got a few laughs as well. The bit about his sister giving birth to a baby with two heads that both look like him for one.

I have done some very graphic and brutal writing, probably not something I'd put on steem though. It's part of a 440,000 word book I wrote - Historical drama/adventure story. The battle scenes are explicitly graphic. Not really teem-suitable. Probably not due to the graphic nature, it's just dark.

Anyway, thanks for sending that. I think I might check out the Fight Club.

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