Looking forward to the New Year!

in #life4 years ago

I don't know where many of you are from, but here in America we are looking forward to 2021. After a divisive national election, I think that people are ready to turn the page and make a new start. Though we still have some business to attend to on December 15th, it looks like we'll be swearing in a new leader in January.

My hope is that no matter what is being said right now, that the transition will be a smooth one. The time for chest-thumping is over and now the national healing must begin. It's almost like when two people have a fight and then after tempers have had time to cool down and they've both had a chance to think things over, a different attitude takes root.

I'm wishing for the same for my country and hope that we can also tame the virus that has brough so much suffering to so many. There's a strange sense that after riding on this dark, bumpy road, we will finally return to the light of understanding and peace. I hope you find yours as well. Can you feel it too? :)

Thank You So Much!

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