Consciousness Goes Deeper

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Than You Think

Those who want to kill unborn babies

............assume that the babies in question are not self aware. The question raises it's ugly head and asks itself...are you self-aware when you sleep? If you are not then is it moral and ethical to kill you while you sleep?


Yeah this is a crime and we should have a law regarding this brutality, but sadly no one looks at this :(

Well put!

Most religious and spiritual constructs say that life begins in the womb. Most, if not all, have the phrase "I knew you before you were born, I loved you while you were still in your mother's womb."
Which, to my mind is just as good as saying, "You are alive, you deserve to live, grow, and experience."
I think that when we moved towards thinking that children are a burden and if they aren't convenient, they are disposable was when we started treating them like viruses of which to rid ourselves.
In my viewpoint, all life is precious, and seeing life destroyed is a tragedy.

Maybe I should have become a druid instead?

LIFE begins at conception. Actually before then, since both the egg and the sperm must be alive before conception can occur. (live sperm can't fertilize a dead egg...and dead sperm can't fertilize live eggs...)

That's a biological certainty.

The question should be worded differently. At what point does sentience and later sapience occur.

Thanks for sharing , your post is amazing

Upvoted !

By the way ,I started following you and I would appreciate your follow back too .
please visit my blog and vote me too

When you beg for votes and follows it pisses people off... if you want to succeed here, create something worth reading!

now that you mention it...yes.
the question is...should I ignore, mute or flag?
(do I smell ozone? is abdu1997 a bot?)

Could be... This isn't the first of my friend's blogs where she/he(?) has showed up today!

I saved you the trouble!

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