Attributed to the crew of the Apollo 13 Moon Flight

in #life7 years ago

a pithy phrase and it’s all too many situations and levels of life….we have a problem.
Physics for example.

Physics is hard science. It’s the real deal. It deals with matter, energy and their interactions in reality. It has been said that all science is a subset of physics. Biology is squishy physics, Psychology is crazy physics, Geology is dirty physics and Astronomy is physics way out there. All of reality is dealt with by physics, both the large and the small.

…..And there is where we have a problem.

Quantum Physics and Classical, Newtonian, Physics (and to a lesser degree, astronomical Physics,) don’t seem to agree. To put it another way. The physics of the very big, the human sized, and the very small don’t play well together. There appear to be different laws, different rules.

Quantum Physics has been said to be the most successful theory in the history of quote a BBC journalist.

  • “Quantum mechanics must be one of the most successful theories in science. Developed at the start of the twentieth century, it has been used to calculate with incredible precision how light and matter behave – how electrical currents pass through silicon transistors in computer circuits, say, or the shapes of molecules and how they absorb light. Much of today’s information technology relies on quantum theory, as do some aspects of chemical processing, molecular biology, the discovery of new materials, and much more.”

………..and yet. It’s insane.

Or rather it’s non-intuitive and totally incomprehensible to ordinary minds. Much of it cannot be expressed intelligently in words. Math is required. Serious Math. Math that is both high AND deep, NOT kitchen arithmetic. Math that only a small, tiny percent of the population can comprehend, and then only after many years of study.

Quantum Physics doesn’t play pretty with Classical Physics. The two clash, disagree and squabble like siblings.

It’s a big problem. Cognitive Dissonance may very well occur from thinking about it too much. it’s similar to Religion that way. Believing mutually contradictory things at all, much less before breakfast, will drive one insane. By that definition most people are insane. Dunbar’s Number is vindicated, but that’s another topic...or is it?

Nature has no department of physics, department of math, department of psychology. Nature is all one thing. It must agree with it self.

Yet it doesn’t ….to our present misunderstanding.

Classical Physics is correct, no doubt about it. It’s testable. Anyone at any time can check it out for themselves. Dams, Bridges and building don’t fall down… as much...or as often a they would if not constructed according to the laws of physics. Airplanes fly, horses gallop, and kittens are cute...they obey the laws of physics. Test it yourself. Go drop and apple. The whole, vast naked eye universe is explainable by standard, classic, Newtonian Physics.

Likewise...Quantum Physics is correct. It’s testable.
Computers, lasers, the Internet, and much else, couldn’t happen without quantum physics. Check it out...go turn on a home computer, or any electronic device.

It just works.

Likewise...Astronomical Physics is’s not so much testable as observable. They have some really great computer models.

The problem is...the three different physics have problems with each other. They don’t always agree. That’s just crazy.

Albert Einstein, you might have heard of him,

Consequently…..Houston...we have a problem.

……..then along came Everett…..Hugh Everett that is...not me. I was but a young boy at the time.

H.Everett noticed that the problem existed and postulated that there was more there there….than meets the eye. He proposed the Many Worlds Theory
In 1957 when he proposed his “Relative State” Formulation of Quantum Mechanics I had just started the first grade. He was right though, at least that theory was….mostly. All he’d had to do was ask me. The visible universe is NOT all that there is. I had many, many, many other worlds I played in.

One reality is so………….limiting.

AstroPhysics say’s there’s not enough there.. there. They claim that 95% of the universe is invisible. The unseen, unobserved, hypothetical mass is needed to make the numbers work.

Suppose that the invisible mass that's required by all the cosmological models is not observed because it’s just in the next 'room'. world...or in modern day parlance...the next universe.

By analogy suppose gravity is like sound. It can be heard from room to room even though the source of that sound is not visible.. Perhaps mass that’s ‘in the other room’ is, nonetheless, detectable in OUR room.

Suppose the “rooms” are not adjacent but rather concentric? Odd as it may seem the reality is that the reality of reality is that 99.99999%...etc of everything is nothing. That is the vast majority of so called matter is empty space.

That we can see. That we can detect. Possible there is “stuff” there, in all that emptiness, that is undetectable by present senses and instrumentation. Perhaps it’s “out of phase” with this reality.

One current theory states that everything “vibrates” at a different frequency. That’s an analogy..some might say there are different dimensions rather than different frequencies, but the point remains.

There’s room enough and more...for rooms to be superimposed upon one within one another. Much like matryoshka dolls or Chinese boxes. or…the layers of an onion.

Perhaps there were those of us in the past who had precocious understanding...they knew this. How would they convey this information? It would be hard to explain something if there were no words to describe it.

and perhaps….just perhaps….the reality is yet even much more complex.

Nothing says that the parallel universes are identical or even similar. That’s just an assumption. They may be wildly different. They most likely have different amounts of mass which most likely is in different locations. They might even have different, fundamental, physical laws….or they might not...or some might and some might not.

Sometimes, who knows if,when, where or how often, the barrier between universes might thin...and and tear. There might be rips in the fabric of reality. Those rips, or portals, might be temporary or permanent...or cyclical. Sometimes things might cross over. Astronomers have seen a great many marvelous sights using orbital telescopes, and radio telescopes. Some of which beggar the imagination.

They’ve come up with some very plausible answers to describe what they see. They might even be right. They are probably right.

When one hears hoof beats in the dark the smart money bets that’s it’s horses...not zebras.

When one sees really fantastic “stuff” through orbital telescopes the smart money bets that it’s natural phenomena rather than megascale engineering...or tears ripped in the fabric of reality.

Yet Zebras exist.

The quantum scale is really confusing. The dual slit experiment for example. Quantum physics is just plain weird. Not only does god play dice with the universe...he hides the dice.

Humanity has existed on this planet, supposedly biologically unchanged, for about a hundred thousand years. Perhaps much longer. Perhaps MUCH much longer. Doesn’t matter. Humanities recorded history is about five percent of that. Archeological history isn’t a great deal longer.

The problem with history is who are you going to believe. Bill Clinton said “I did not have sex with that woman” or something similar. (lawyereese...weasel talk. depends on what ‘is” is)

That’s history.

Recent history.

How much of recent history is a lie?

How much of ‘not so recent history is a lie? How much of ANCIENT history is a lie. How much of archeological history, forensic history, is ….misinterpreted?

Does the blue dolphin fresco scene in Knossos Palace on Crete represent what we think it does? Is it a happy scene or sad scene?

Do the blue curtains mean the curtains are blue.or is the author depressed?

Did Moses part the Red Sea?

Did Quetzalcoatl exist in Mexico?

Did Thor and Odin engage the enemy of humanity during the battle of ragnarok?

Did our ancestors actually see things that they didn’t understand? Perhaps they remembered it and passed on to their descendents in terms they did understand. Perhaps the stories were changed, either intentionally or accidentally. History is written by the winners to suite the best interests OF the winners.

Perhaps Bill Clinton really DID have sex with that woman?

Who you gonna believe?


It's true, human could have, probably were, around for much longer. How far we have come and how much further we have yet to go? In many ways I think we are so lost and then after another drink I think we are tight on track. lol

are you assuming gender?
I mean.
are you assuming there IS a track?

ooh damn. Assuming there is a Track is a big hint at pre-destination. ! No, I don't believe in pre destination (very good call); and the idea I was was born to be what I am, we all are where we are because we did what we did, not because it was the track. But i do get that theory as well.
You made me think too much.

It was a very thoughtful article.

stick with me kid...

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