Vision To Wealth Las Vegas

in #life6 years ago (edited)

3 amplifying answers to key questions to get more of what you want, from the Vision to Wealth seminar with Jamie Honey

Video Transcription


My name's Jamie Honey. I'm an Author, Speaker and a Customer Engagement Specialist. What I do is help you Acquire, Engage and Retain customers and employees by creating joyfulness in every action of where your success is at, getting even more success, in what *Success is for YOU *.

Helping you get more of what you want in life.

Q1. In Business and Life we all have challenges, what did you do when you have had a major setback?

Well, the first thing we do when we've had a setback is we go out and celebrate.

We go out somewhere nice for dinner and enjoy ourselves because; you can’t create something from a negative mindset.

You’re not going to create success when you're pissed off about what's happened. So, you got to let go of it. Go celebrate and start a new moment.

There's a new adventure that's going to happen.

You haven't stepped into it yet.

SO, first of all we cleanse ourselves by going and doing something enjoyable.

We will go out to a fancy restaurant that we haven't been to yet, even if it is the last money on the credit card, we’ll go do it. We tell ourselves “HEY we are going to enjoy this meal, Oh! We’re going to have an extra dessert”. We try to get fun in our life again and then from that point, we go what's an actions step we can do, what do we want.

When you do an action step from a point of happy creation, it leads to new opportunities. You got to take an action step, thinking about it… vision boards… are fantastic, but a vision board with an Action Step in it is what's necessary.

Q2. How important is it to invest in yourself?

A quick question.
“What was the one thing that was present in your success and in your failure”? In your past!
*Audience: “you” *

Exactly "you", so who do you got to do the work on to get more success? YOU!

I have mentors. I have coaches and I have hundreds of clients.
I haven't reached my pinnacle, of the best I can be!
I’m a nationally certified personal trainer and we coach people because we can see what they can't see. You have got to take action on you. You’ve got to take action just like a Doc and De’ Borah saying, improving the brain.

You know, you do personal development, then you personally develop a better future for yourself.

If you're not in some course, if you're not reading some book, if you're not taking some action, you're sitting down watching someone else have success that you could have had, because you didn’t put some effort into you.

Q3. Favorite Book? (And can't be your own)

Any Reading, any Education, is Awesome.

What I recommend in these types of groups, where we are looking at their business success we want.
Is the Four Agreements, because it talks to you about you.

You know those four things, “Be impeccable with your word”. The story you tell yourself is what's holding you back. 90% of your life is lived through the habit of a conversation that is there to keep you safe.

Success is just outside of that safe zone, and that's why that spirit to move forward is important.

So, Four Agreements: “Be impeccable with your word”, “Don't make assumptions”, “Don't take anything personally”, and “Always do your best”.

Otherwise who are you cheating…? You're cheating yourself!!!

Of course, it's much more in-depth. That’s just a very quick recap, but YES The 4 Agreements.

Two random atoms are walking down the street and they collide into each other.
1st atom says, "Are you all right?"
"No" says the other "I lost an electron."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm positive."


▶️ DTube

The 4 Agreements is a great book!! Great info! great video!!

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