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RE: Stay on track... don't scream! (Ulog #17)

in #life6 years ago

Urgh- that sounds like a truly tormenting day- I really really hope today has been a better, less stress-filled one for you. Genius move on the muesli bars though- no food after that travel chaos would be just enough to push a man over the edge I imagine!
Safe trip home when it comes to it.
E x


Ah, it was a different day of juggling a short-fused and insecure music director... ah the joys of leadership, different days, different challenges... I prefer the trains...

Oh man- that sounds like a frustrating day- joy of joys!! When do you get to travel home for some peace and quiet? E x

I get back tomorrow, then straight into another project, but at least that is in The Netherlands... however, I will be visiting sunny UK for our holiday very soon! We are spending a week in the Cotswolds (West of Oxford?) in a little village that I've forgotten the name of.... driving, taking the ferry over and then driving again!

Safe trip back tomorrow and very best of luck with the next project. Thats a beautiful bit of the UK you're visiting- i look forward to your posts about it 😁 E x

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