My Book Of Blog Prompts is Live!

in #life6 years ago


Good evening lovely Steemians!

Sooo, I've been working on a fun project over the past little while, and that's editing, updating and re-releasing my ebook 100 Blog Prompts under the name Evie. A.

I wrote this book several years ago, but decided to edit and re-release it after being inspired by several lovely bloggers from around these parts. I've heard a few newbies mention how tough it can be to find something to post about, especially if you're aiming to post every day.

100 Blog Prompts does what it says on the tin. It's a little book with 100 starting points on what to post about. It was a lot of fun to put together, and I hope some of you out there might like it!

Anyway, here's the official blurb from Amazon:

A successful blog is all about content and continuity... but sometimes it’s not easy to work out what to blog about.

Your mind is blank after a long day of ‘real life’. But you want to post. You have to post- after all, that’s the whole point of having a blog, isn’t it, writing regular posts?

And don’t forget your readers. If you want them to keep coming back, the posts have to be interesting and accessible. You’re not talking to yourself when you blog, you are speaking to a community. If you’re lucky, it will chat back.

This is exactly what this book is here to help you with. You’ll find 100 blog prompts to get you going and give your brain a little nudge in the right direction when it decides to take a snooze. You can follow the prompts to the letter or see them simply as jumping off points.

All I hope is that this helps and inspires you.

This second edition of 100 Blog Prompts by Evie. A. was originally published under the author name Laura Bambrey. Inspired by her time blogging on Steemit, the author has updated the text for this new, second edition. Perfect for personal bloggers everywhere.

As I say in the blurb - I hope some of you like it! Here are a couple of links if you're interested in checking it out...

Amazon US
Amazon UK

And it should be available worldwide- just search "100 Blog Prompts Evie A"

I'd love to know what you think!
See you all soon,
Eveningart x


congratulations on getting this book out .. hope you rock the charts with it

Thanks so much Shadows! I just hope it proves useful inspiration to a few fellow bloggers 😃 E x

Aw, Evie! Congratulations, dear! I'll clear out and make a special place on my shelve for your works.

Thanks so much Ravi! I love that ebooks are so instant and can be downloaded by anyone, no matter where in the world they are. E x

Good job, dear. I'm very happy about it!
Hugs and kisses.


YOU have been featured in the official WWWD!


official WWWD No.9

Have a most wonderful day!
The official Welcome Wagon Weekly Digest Team

Thank you so much - I'm over the moon to be featured E xx


I'm late to comment - but you know - NEVER late to support you hehehehe

I'm so happy this is out!!!! I hope it makes TONS of bloggers happy! and then I hope they spread the word from sea to shining sea! :)

so proud of you my Evie doll :)

Happy Thanksgiving lovely 🤗💕🌹
I hope you are having a fabulous day... Much love ❤️🤗🤗🤗❤️

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Lots of love back to you too... I know this was a week ago - but today is a fabulous day, so we'll go with that ;) Hope you're having a good Friday my sweet! Evie x

Hey lovely Evie🌹
I'm glad you having a good day... I'm at work and finnish in 40 minutes then my weekend starts 😉 wohooo.
Lots of Love ❤️🤗❤️💋

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