The book that changed / improved my perspective

in #life6 years ago (edited)

It was Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Black Swan back in 2007. Someone left it in the dormitory's toilet, so I read it while I was doing my business. Fun fact: this was right after having my final rounds of socioeconomics and engineering debate in uni. Bought 5-6 copies of the book to spread it around after that.


You can also read his book Skin in the Game to learn exactly why Steemit is in the shape it's in.

Yup, his books all draw from the same thing about optionality and risks. even used to talk bout it with andrarchy lol, but he’s not buying my diagnosis about steem, saying more offchain solutions would fix the problem 🤦‍♂️

Because andrarchy is a fucking useless shill. He’d rather defend his indefensible employer than try to fix the chain that pays them all.

It’s a classic example of conflict of interest. Defending STINC and sticking to their “vision” (which doesn’t actualy exist) in order to get paid while the actions of STINC essentially destroy the value of the entire ecosystem.

And where are they now? Where is all of that speculative profit now? How much can andrarchy be paid and for how long when STEEM continues to trend toward worthless?

Likely won’t be of any help to call someone shithead and all to get them to listen etc, although I perfectly understand the temptation to do so now lol

Oh, I don’t do it because I want them to listen. I tried the reasoned and congenial route. That didn’t work. I was still labeled and dismissed. Many others have discovered that this is the normal STINC tactic.

Shit...even Blocktrades has made some comments lately about STINC’s inability to accept criticism and/or help and their arrogant/dismissive approach to the dev community. Ned even still alive? I’m hearing some rumors...

have you also read Skin In The Game?

Yup, more or less the same with TBS and antifragility

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