What Makes Me Happy?

in #life6 years ago

Happiness is what makes our lives colorful and fun. It gives us the strength to overcome sorrows and serve as our motivator to keep on moving forward. It doesn’t mean that being happy is to laugh out loud, it is more on satisfying our desires and having the peace of mind. Today, I would like to share the things that excite my heart. They are simple but precious to me. I am grateful to have them in life and experienced it all.

I am happy when...

My whole family and I are healthy.

I am a believer that “Health is wealth”. I’d rather choose a healthy body than to have millions of dollars. Yes, money can make us capable of buying all the expensive medicines and be in a well-known hospital with the most high-tech types of equipment but money can never buy a life. When we are near to death, all of our wealth is useless because it can never save us. As long as we are healthy, I am more than happy.

Someone is smiling back at me even if we don’t know each other.

Have you been in a situation where you smiled at random strangers? When you are riding a bus and offered your seat to an elderly, so out of appreciation he smiled back at you. There are no words uttered but those gestures are louder than any “thank you”. It reminds me that it is still possible to show kindness to one another despite differences.

I am eating my favorite “Sinigang” and “Adobo”, a popular Filipino dish.

These are my most loved dishes among all Filipino foods. Sinigang is perfect specially during cold weathers where you can enjoy its flavorful broth. There are two types of Sinigang, it can be in shrimp or pork. If I have to choose between them, it will be the shrimp. On the other side, there are also two types of Adobo, it can be in chicken or pork which I both likes. We usually partner these dishes with white rice.

I able to finish my blogs that need to be posted in Steemit.

English as my second language is what makes it more difficult. I admit to myself that I am not fluent and there are times when I am experiencing mental block. Mostly, I am confused with some rules in English and I also tend to forget the right terms to use. I spend many hours in writing so it is really an accomplishment when I finally constructed all of my paragraphs.

I can do my own makeup and to other people as well.

I am a makeup lover. I see it as an art because to draw in someone’s face without ruining their appearance is already a masterpiece. I also find it very practical and convenient. During my college graduation, instead of spending in a salon, I did my own makeup. Recently, my brother had his Prom Night while my sister graduated from elementary and I have a great pleasure in doing their makeover.

How about you, what makes you happy?


A nice write-up to remind everyone that you don't need to be achieving great things or making a lot of money to be happy. Simple joys in life should not be taken for granted.

Thank you so much for liking my simple post.
You are indeed right, happiness comes from within.
And I am very happy for your warm support. :)

good happines freinds, and good lucky to you

Thank you so much!
I wish more happiness in your life! :)

seeing you be so cool and kind and loving to one another just beCAUSE you are PURHEART ... that is what I love the most ... just can't buy it ... PUREHEART ... no 'ting'le ... no 'ting' ... no thing ... nothing like it ... no 'ting' like it ...

mahal kita pilipinas ... keep your pureheart ... mahal na mahal kita pureheart mo pilipinas ... did I mention how much I LOVE SOFT LEGS babae :-) just tarzan ... you jane? me loves you ... I LOVE YOU ... me talk funny ... me speak tagalog like tarzan but me know how to make you smile and mahal kita so very much ... mahal kita pilipinas ... you no forget 'tarzan' John @Smart3DWeb ... KEEP YOUR PUREHEART PILIPINAS ... G_D IS WITH US! GOOD IS COMING! TY LY

... dance with me ganda ... dance with me magada babae ... dance with me soft legs ...
mahal na mahal kita pureheart mo ... and your soft legs, kind eyes, gentle touch and sweet smile


CHINESE = 爱 = LOVE <== see her babae crossed legs of a woman inside the kanji for love ... diba?
oo po!

WOMAN KANJI + CHILD KANJI = GOOD KANJI ... the ancients were so smart ..
mahal kita PILIPINAS

Thank you so much, sir!
Lets smile always. :)

your welcome ;) yesss its the best therapy for the heart and soul. smile always! :D good words

Happiness is an inner feeling that man senses among his facets is the self-confidence, the tranquility of the heart, the exuberance of the chest, the comfort of the conscience .
driven by the power of faith =)
When I realize my dreams
I will be happy .

Look at those amazing words!
You have such a clever mind speaking straight from the heart!
Make your dreams come true.
I believe in you! :)

TBH. Happy na ako na makitang masaya sya. 😂

Sumasang-ayon ako sayo!
Kapag masaya ang mga taong mahalaga sa atin, mas higit tayong nagagalak. :)

I'm very happy helping people!!
I'm very happy seeing Pamela Camilla happy!!
Bear Hugs!! x0x0x

No wonder why God is pouring you more and more blessings!
Thank you so much papa bear, you are indeed a very good friend!
More Bear Hugs!

Sequel to your question "How about you, what makes you happy?
I can't give a definite thing or event that makes me happy unfortunately, but one thing I do know that true happiness is a deliberate act. It's one that cannot be gotten from things or people, but in the conscious effort of every individual to put up the mood to be happy and glad irrespective of what's going on in the surrounding.

Thank you so much for sharing with us your happiness!
I agree in everything that you've said.
I wish you more happiness in life. :)

another awesome post pam! yay! :) definitely some good things u listed above.. did u know there is a chemical produced in our brains called dopamine.. the 'zest for life' chemical when things like we listen to music, or accomplish things, like A POST. :)

You are so informative!
Thanks for this new vocabulary!
I am very happy that you've appreciated it. :)

Hey there! You were featured on the #96th edition of steemitfamilyph's featured posts. Congratulations!

Thank you so much my Ohana! :)

Ang pretty :) :) Hehe.

Hmm, what makes me happy? I am happy when everyone around me is happy. When i reach my goals, when i get to know more people here in steemit and when i see a lot of people upvoting my post. Haha :D

The things that makes you happy are making me happy as well!
I love the last one, LOL! hahaha :P
Thanks much!

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