Muh Roads!

in #life7 years ago

It is the old Libertarian joke when we are talking about living in a free society. One of the responses we get is "Who would build the roads!" My response is, "I work in civil engineering. I will design the roads, and get several construction companies to bid on the contract to build those roads. We can do all of that without the violence and coercion from the State. Just remember, when you are stuck in traffic, you are in a government line to go somewhere!"

With a few minutes of research this morning I turned up some interesting things.
A project to make solar panels that have a driveable surface.
This is a crowdfunding effort to improve road safety in England.
Here was an article about a private road in Switzerland.

When we talk about taxation being theft, we mean it. If we were not taxed, we would have a lot more money in our pockets to donate to things like a private road or private maintenance of a road that we use. The idea of living in a free society based on non-aggression shouldn't be the radical idea. Living in a world where the State is run by sociopaths who don't blink an eye when it comes to violence should be the radical idea.

Yours in Liberty,

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