in #life6 years ago (edited)

It was 1987 or '88. My childhood friend and me (on the left from viewers perspective). We were just turning eighteen. It was like life was always summer and disco. I remember us being excited about our new freedom of just having passed the driving test.

One Saturday night we stuffed our car with boys, so that one of them landed on my lap on the passenger side. We laughed the whole trip. For some incomprehensible reason the bonnet suddenly folded up and for a few seconds my girlfriend couldn't see anything while driving. It was her father's handsome car, a chic old Audi GL 120 with chrome trims. Every weekend we went on pilgrimage to the large disco "Airport", where we stayed until the curfew, which for years was always rung in at four in the morning with the Frank Sinatra "New York, New York" song. It is self-evident that we were later recruited as bar girls and earned something extra.

At this "holy" place we held the rituals of seeing and being seen, where boys and girls met and waited on the dance floor. Instead of the campfire and the drums we had the light jockey and the record DJ.
The painting and the appropriate clothes were always carefully selected and the corresponding Friday evening tickle in the stomach, when it was time for the ritual again, was never missing.

Beauties we were.

You might assume that these young women were well aware of how attractive they were. That these fresh and hardly touched girls knew how to use this advantage. And although we were even shown in the shop window of our city photographer, we didn't think much of it. Like all young women, we were far too focused on our weaknesses in appearance and the supposedly eye-shining self-confidence, yes, the almost temptingly smiling lips a successful unconscious copy from television or fashion covers.

Who are we looking at? It is, of course, the photographer who met us when we were adorable sixteen years young and with whom we both did an internship at his shop downtown. We enjoyed his caring and devoted friendliness (whoever thinks otherwise is usually correct but not this time) because I actually learned the craft of photography from him. As a sign that he was serious, he gave me a fully mechanical SLR camera, a Pentax XP 1000, which I still own.

He inspired me to put my hunt through the area under a motto and took an infinite amount of time to set up the projector in the back studio and to go through slide by slide with me (often around four hundred pictures). I was taught about exposure times and camera apertures. How cozy it was there to receive an exclusive tuition while the projector was warmly humming. He was a real mentor, a private tutor.

I know, of course, that he must have enjoyed admiring our youthfulness with his aesthetic eye. I am very grateful to him, deeply, that there has not been a second of ladykillers eye which would have poisoned our friendship by a sticky approach. He was a man of honor.

It's unclear if I'm still in possession of my virginity in this photograph.

I lost it at the age of eighteen, rather unwillingly. I wrote a sad (and probably naive bad) poem about it.

Sexuality was always in the air from then on. When you're beautiful, it's easy to get in touch. You just have to let your gaze speak and sometimes not even that.

We, young women, were touched from then on with the intention that there is more to it.

I feel regret that physical attention was actually only received at the price of sex. That is a great pity and I think that young people - men and women - should be able to touch each other amicably, without people accusing them of having subliminal or open sexual intentions. How much nicer it would be if boys too could give themselves physical cordiality.

What a blessing it is to have a friend or her mother braid your hair. The silent noises of breathing and how the hair glides through your fingers, that is a feeling of comfort. Never should be disturbed.

Here you can see the unchanged original image. I'm glad I photographed it because the paper faded with time. It's been exactly thirty years since the photograph was taken.

Am I melancholic? Actually, no. Every time in my life has had its peculiar events of a challenging and loving nature.

The woman almost seems like a stranger to me, whom I hardly recognize. How can it be true that I was once young? Such a full life lies between now and then that, if I hadn't had any photographs, my memories would probably be much more fragmentary.

When you see a beautiful young person, note that you don't see them as sex objects. See the beauty in youthfulness, enjoy it.

Thank you for reading.


You just melt my heart with this lovely piece. I dont even know how to describe the emotion I felt while reading it. I am sure you wrote this from the depth of your heart.

Unfortunately in this present world, virginity is no longer a thing. Even those that manage to hold theirs till 18 have to go through different froms of stigmatization from their peers.

I am a respecter of females. I hadly stretch my hands to touch those I am not acquainted with and when I do, sex is the last thing on my mind. Need I say that I also dont enjoy being touched unsolicitedly.

Missed you Erika. Glad you are fine

Thank you, Shaid:)

I am glad that it brought up your emotions while reading this little personal piece.
And that you support this view I appreciate.

I will be around when my heart wants to tell a thing.

Take good care of you & my best wishes to you.

Oh good, back in those days... what a great time we had. Although I am significantly older than you, I was still fairly young and the world was a wild place to explore!

Pretty girl for sure, no wonder the guys were standing in line. Although I find you even more attractive today!

You won something 😎

Yes, for sure the world was an unexperienced territory. How we were excited about it.
HaHa, the guys standing in line, that was true and often enough I thought they were interested in my intellect as I was an ugly kid and never saw myself as pretty as people saw me. I know, from today's perspective it's a little stupid. LOL.

Thanks for the compliment, I gladly take it:)

... Whoooooooaaaaa ?!!! I opened your "something" for me ..... you really know how to surprise!!! .... Don't know what to say ... leaves me with "Pippi in den Augen".

Thank you Reinhard, that is so kind and generous of you ... you touch my heart ever so often.
❤ xxxx, sending my Love! ❤

Hahaha... ugly kid alright. Who is supposed to believe that one?

Glad you enjoyed my little surprise. You really deserve it!

Thanks for sharing your personal story.
Sometimes I miss my younger years as well and all the freedom that went with it.
But then the years have given me two lovely boys and I know that I have all the reasons to be happier now than ever before.

Thank you.
I am happy to hear that you have two kids. I have one boy and I love to see him growing up.
Your little journey to the past (computers) I liked to read. I vividly remember those times, too and how much fun we had with first tele games and later on an atari home computer. Though I think we've got a little too much of all that technology nowadays.
You're from Ireland?

Yes, too much technology nowadays. Yes I live in Ireland.

Nice post, beautiful lady :)

We all burn in the flame of time.

Some more brightly than others.

What a symbolic response ... Poetic, actually.

Interesting article.
I am agree at all.

I wouldn't know what it is like to have your true personality temporarily "oppressed" by all those boys lining up for your good looks, I only know that my intellect didn't do the trick of the lines forming either! I do know many far too young girls are forced into an artificial womanhood through pornographic fantasies that replace loving attention.

Both my appearance and my mind were deterrents to youthful men except for the very needy (elderly). Sex was never on their minds unless they were too drunk to care whether I was a hole in the ground or a woman. Needless to say I fought tooth and nail against such violation and remained virginal for nearly ever. I seemed to attract women rather, which sure makes a heterosexual girl think not the most sympathetic thoughts about herself.... When did I lose my virginity? Hard to say. Should I count my first violation by a woman?

Then again, I never went out looking for boys (who proably spelled trouble or anger to me). I never dressed up, wore make up, went to discos voluntarily - ended up being taken there with my teacher trainer group in Barcelona, to an underground haunt called Karma of all places.

And so those very early beginnings of your womanhood determine much of your sexual life, which nowadays determines much of who you are.

Then again, I felt distinctly woman at age 5 when my sister was born. I felt like a little mother - mabye for being already a little older to be getting a sibling, but not too old to move away again too quickly. Are the teenage years and is the pre-motherhood age actually nothing to do with womanhood, yet, perhaps? Is that why I felt the urgency to "skip" it (not an idea I'd recommend, but that's what happened for me).

I believe you have a brother, right? That must make a huge difference to how confident you feel around men, too.

I also believe - if there is such a thing as karma (outside the club) that you and I were very powerful men in a former life, and tend to get very weary of the sacrifices that are now demanded of us for the sake of life on Mother Earth. However, I also distinctly remember opting for womanhood this time round, with some very important things to set straight for us Adam Kadmons we all are meant to become.

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