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RE: What Came First, The Sun Or The Earth?

in #life6 years ago

Did you watch the video? "Debate between Dr Willium Campbell and Dr Zakir Naik" regarding the topic "Quran and Bible in the Light of history and Science". You must watch that debate, there Dr Zakir naik claimed smartly the wrong information of " Book of genesis"

He asked there "How did different plant alived without Sun for two days?"

You must watch that debate. Thank you

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Hello @engrsayful. In Genesis the plants were created on the 3rd day and the sun, moon and stars where put in the firmament on the 4th day. So that would be one day without the light of the sun. Also let me ask you, have you ever grew plants without the light of the sun? Now look at Genesis when it says, And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. and the evening and the morning were the first day. Genesis 1:3-5. So here you see that there is light, but it is not the sun. So can plants grow with light that is not the light of the sun? Look how the marijuana growers plant in houses using light that is not sunlight, yet it still grows. Thank you @engrsayful!

Biblical Creation history of Genesis confirms the creation of Light before every other living organisms including plants. So, which two days without light could he be talking about??

You may note as well the existence of some autotrophic plant species, depending not on light for their chemical nutrients needs!!

Just first see the Dr Zakir Naik part about The holy Bible please. He mentioned 22 scientific errors of Bible which was not justified by Dr willium campbel. Book of Genesis, this issue was one of that 22 errors. Please watch, then comment please. You will find this debate on youtube. I can give you link if you can't find it out.

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I didn't watch the whole thing, but I will pull out something that I noticed. When the great flood of Noah's time came. Yes there was an ark. I hear him say that there was not enough room. Now if you notice an elephant full grown, now notice a baby elephant. If all the animals where baby horses and baby giraffes and so on, then can you see where all the animals can fit?

Also people brought up Mark 16:17. As it is written, And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; They shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17. That is being done. Check out Chris LaSala on Youtube.

All arose out of misunderstanding by him because he has little or No knowledge of the Bible !!

Can you avail the errors as he claimed so that we can correct him??

Today i'm busy..

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Have you watched that video? Then you will know the errors claimed by him. Ok. I shall let you know some of them tomorrow insaAllah...

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