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RE: The worst 40 minutes in my whole life

in #life6 years ago (edited)

FOR TSE: I've been exactly where you were at that moment -- for many of the same reasons. My last two major encounters with doctors outside an ER has pretty much put me totally off them. I may find the courage to write a post about them someday myself.

Both times I left their offices with absolutely NOTHING changed from the moment I walked in -- and not even any hope of help from them. The latest one did not even look at me once the whole time I was there. (And I don't mean "examine" ... I mean "glance up in my general direction.")

Her eyes were either on her clipboard or on her computer screen. I mean she did not even LOOK at me before telling me to go straight to the emergency room. Also, she mentioned it was a Wednesday ... so it was a pretty good day to go there.

At least that got me out of her examining room. Which I rather think was the whole point. And yes, annoyed was exactly the attitude from both of them. (About 20 years apart.) As if I had some nerve thinking they could actually help.

If there's not "a pill for that" -- or you don't clearly need emergency surgery, I've decided they're not good for much.


It's really a shame that such doctors are those we entrust with our lives. I agree that ER visits are not a good idea, unless you are actually dying. Otherwise is a waste of time and nerve. In here, it takes about 8 to 16 hours to be seen by a physician in the ER. I always wondered why the heck they still call it ER?

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