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RE: Stay on track... don't scream! (Ulog #17)

in #life6 years ago

Welcome to Mercury and Mars Retrograde. Mercury Retrograde = communications and travel snafus. Mars Retrograde = having to do things over again -- or take alternative options -- because what you planned on or arranged the first time didn't suffice.

Oh, Lord I have our own stories I could tell you. We haven't had water for over a week. I can hardly think of it without crying.

Mercury comes out of retrograde on August 18. Mars on August 27. A few weeks then of straightening out things that went wrong, were started or were planned over the past several weeks ... and life will move forward again.

Stay strong.


Wow, no water for weeks? My little bad day is nothing in comparison!

How are you surviving? Do you have to ship (drive) in drinking water?

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