Life Hacks - Take the Spoon, Feed Yourself

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Man loves convenience. Our brains and bodies are structured to seek the easiest alternative to any problem. With the explosion of technology and industry, previously difficult tasks have been simplified to an extent that only the minimum input is required for the desired output. We've become lazy as a result, and a lot of people now rely squarely on others for their daily living.

Dependence on people is not bad in iteslf, as we all need someone or something along our life's journey. However, when it begins to get to a point of absolute dependence, both the dependent and the caregiver need to reevaluate their positions, as total dependence is detrimental to both parties involved.

Coming from a place of absolute dependency can make the thought of freedom scary to imagine. Take steemit for example, if someone relies too much on a Whale for upvotes, it can be frightening when the Whale suddenly withdraws support. It is scary because dependence has made us lazy, and way too comfortable. I call it an illusion because it can be quickly taken away with the withdrawal of the sponsor. Having to readjust and realign as an independent being is very inconvenient, and may overwhelm anyone who isn't prepared.

Be bold enough to stand on your own when the time comes.Taking the spoon just means seizing opportunity from helping hands as they come, but you still have to do the work of ensuring that you can stand alone and 'feed thyself' when the time comes.


Very true. We have become so dependent on technology that we have lost basic skills. We put our security into the hands of massive companies rather than figuring it out ourselves. It is unfortunately the way it was designed to be. To stand on your own is a powerful thing to do.

yes we can,,, never depend on others if we decide and commited on it then we achive it very easily..good post @empress-eremmy

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