Conscious Parenting Building Self-Esteem And ConfidencesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Key conscious parenting goals; qualities you want your children to have. High self-esteem, strong foundation, creative spirit, integrity, compassion, connection, respect for self, others and the environment. Instill a love for life. It is important to support your children’s endeavors no matter how creative they get. Remember they are children and their ideas will change many times. By encouraging them you are building their self esteem and confidence. In turn feeding their mind, body and soul. Be open to saying “yes” or at least hearing out their ideas. Encourage them to draw, speak their mind, ask questions, play musical instruments, try sports, sit quietly and read a book or play in the dirt. Every child is so unique and their sensitivity levels are vastly different. That’s why it is so vitally important to parent each child on their own individual level. It would not be wise to raise all your children the same way. They all have different needs and wants, it is up to you to be the conscious parent, allowing an organic conclusion to form and take place without you the parent having to be in constant control. It’s about allowing spiritual growth on this earthly playground.

Teaching Children How To Love Themselves. Help your children work through their feelings and teach them the importance of positive self-talk. Show them how to appreciate the little and the big things in life. Self-esteem is being developed throughout their life. By teaching them how to love and take care of themselves when they are little you are helping them to build a positive self image, instill confidence and build your child’s inner strength.

Mirror Work And Affirmations. One way to do this is by incorporating daily affirmations and mirror work.

Practice in front of your children telling yourself “ I Love YOU” in the mirror. Or “I’m going to have a great day.” Other affirmations you could say in the mirror in front of your kids may be.

“I am healthy, whole and complete.”

Have your child stand in front of a mirror and say loving things to him or herself. Give them powerful affirmations to say out loud. By doing this on a regular basis you empower your children and help them create a great inner self awareness and inner confidence that can continue throughout their lives and maybe even create a new tradition from generation to generation.

Ask your child what they like about themselves. It may be their smile, the fact that they are nice to their friends or that they pick up their toys, the way that they care for a grandparent, sibling, how they love nature and take care of mother earth.

Ask them what they feel about themselves. If they don’t like what they are feeling about themselves help them to turn those thoughts around. Give them helpful positive words and guidance to think about themselves.

For example, you can ask them to say: “I really love my eyes.” “I really love the way I smile.” “I love myself!”, “I’m going to have a great day today!” “I’m going to smile at everyone I see today sharing my happiness with them.” “I love my body.” “I let my creativity flow.”

“Studying comes easy to me.”

Be creative and write affirmations that will benefit your child. Affirmations can be used to help create a sense of balance and joy.

You can stand next to them and say the same things about yourself as you look in the mirror with them demonstrating how to express gratitude for yourself the parent as well.

An Affirmation Activity You can write affirmations with your children on poster boards and place them on bedrooms walls or anywhere in the house for that matter. You can place affirmations in your childs lunch box. You and your child can make up your own affirmation book to read together everyday. It could be five pages or ten pages long. Whatever you want. I’ve even seen homes with affirmations written or painted on the living room walls.

Parents, it’s time to check in with your own self confidence. Improving self confidence. By the way you carry yourself, talk to yourself and talk about yourself teaches your child about self-worth. If a parent constantly puts themselves down the children around them will do the same. This includes not letting people around you put you down, Including your relationships and close inner circle. Your children see and hear everything that goes on in your life. Showing self respect for yourself will teach them how to have self respect for themselves. Let go of the the unhealthy things in your own past that hold you down. Break the chains that have left you stuck in your old beliefs that do not serve you anymore. Change is the one constant thing in everybody’s lives. It is healing, cleansing and nurturing. Change is your friend. To teach confidence you have to know it. Be great and learn who you truly are. I am here to tell you, you really are that great. Once you believe in yourself you’ll be able to fully embrace your own magnificence and pass it onto your children.

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