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in #life7 years ago


I did not really see the truth of the word 'Face Is the Index of Mind'. What is the need to go away? My own face does not bear the full identity of the character. I do not know exactly what I read in either group of chromatic mango or race. But at least I can say that, apparently, I feel as innocent or as washing powder as I like, but I am not.

Before writing a story of my own lies, speak an English film. Many of you may have seen the movie of The Invasion of Living Acting Actor Ricky Jarvis. This film, created in the background of the modern world, has been fabled in such a mythical world, where the notion of falsehood has not yet been born. The people of this world do not know how to tell a lie. Everyone believes in each other on this false world. Because, there is no need for disbelief in the absence of falsehood. Although the seemingly beautiful thing seems impossible, there is no chance for the comfort of knowing the unpleasant truth in this world. For example, someone asked, 'Why are you looking at me like that?' You said innocently, 'This new color of your hair is awkward! You look ugly. 'The soft drinker ad says,' There is excessive amount of sugar in this drink, which can make you become so sick with regular use. 'After watching this advertisement, would anyone want to drink this drink?

So, there was an accident in this unprecedented beautiful false world. Ricky Jarvis, the film's protagonist, was unable to get out of the house after being discharged. There are only 300 dollars in his bank. But the rental needs $ 800. The bank's computer system was not working since the last 300 dollars of the last bill was raised from the bank. The employee of the bank said, "Tell me how much money you need, I give it." For a moment, the idea of ​​a lightning surprise in the hero's head was playing. The first lie in the truthful world is pronounced. She asked for 800 dollars. When the computer system started working, the woman of the counter said, "There is a mistake in our system. The system says there are only 300 dollars in your account. I apologize to you. Here's your 800 dollars. "The hero was surprised at this incident, as well as overwhelmed by his unthinkable power of lies. The only person in this world who has learned to lie and everyone believes it will believe in it. So he is the most powerful man in the world. The start of the world is the turn of the lie

I also discovered that one day, like this hero, was lying on the one hand, from that person who dared to speak unpleasant truth to me. I was about six or seven years old. Parents were resting after a summer lunch. At that time the voice was heard from the outside, 'Colonel Sub, rising abyss?'

Dad called me and said, 'Barr Razzaq Mia has come, she did not go to her father.'

I did not understand it at first. I did not even know the details of life. I know this Razzak Mia was a big troublemaker and a case-maker. Therefore, there was no major wrongdoing that Father did not want to meet with him. But my little brain is full of stories of the great dignitaries who spoke of mothers at that time. Apart from this, I have also seen Baba all the time talking with all brave courage. The truthful father is telling me to lie? Dad is at home, so why not say no? I got very angry. So far I have been taught falsehood is a mishap. One of the people who taught me is telling me to lie?

When I went out and said to Razzak Mia, I said, 'I did not raise my father.' Razzak Mia was surprised to hear about me, but a little hesitated to leave. The father called me and shouted, 'How to say this? You're a fool.

After that day, I became very clever and began to laugh very loud. Even with parents. Tell me about two events. The boy who used to work in our house, he used to eat regular cigarettes. I used to see my father eating tobacco. I'm very interested to eat cigarettes, I'll look a little bit. Looking for a chance to steal a cigarette. But the working boy kept his cigarette packet in his lungi knot. So, I could not make such a facility. Finally, he picked up his cigarette butts and packed it in an old cigarette packet. I got a kitchen from the kitchen. A lazy afternoon with all the equipment, I set fire to a cigarette bottle that was relaxing by the tila slopes, where did my four year old brother come from. He was surprised and angry at seeing my stomach and said, 'Ubao is dead.'

At the same time, I dig a little bit of a hole below Japanese aquarium and covered the cigarette packets and landlines. After a little while mother and little sister came face to face and saw that I was sitting like a good man and I was chewing banana. My truthful innocent voice screams, 'Do you remember the small books, why do you spend all day?'

Once again we had a number of saradas in the school. Then I read in class six. The titles were quite flawless and I was the original entrepreneur. There were titles such as 'coconut trees, pools of talisman, croak, water, etc.' A boy in the class, who did not see me sadly, went to judge Sir Sir. Sir called me and asked if the incident is true. I have not confessed my crime. Sir simply believed me. Because, I had a great reputation as a good girl. That boy got severe punishment.

The fact is that the truthful brother's ears have come to me. Surprisingly, he believed in the cigarette-related betrayal of childhood. For those who speak the truth all the time, it seems easy for others to believe. He called the boy accusing me and stammered, 'Do not live in my book of Khapar and live in life.' How old is he? Afterwards, the brother never confessed his falsehood.

Even then, I did not utter the lies at different times in life to save lives. Wherever I have seen my father, there is no injustice, but all of them are silent, there is no lack of courage to stand on the right hand side of the truth.

When we used to teach literary literature in our Sylhet Women's College, English lecturers gave their physical descriptions by standing up girls, together with verbal abuse, all classmates of class weddings I was the only girl standing in front of me. One day I told Sir, 'There is no connection to these words with literature. These dirty words I will not do your classes. 'I came out saying this. Many more girls came out behind me. Sir could not do anything against us. Because, he knew my words were true.

The story of The Invasion of Living film will not ruin the joy of watching you. Those who have already seen the picture, or who will see the picture after reading my writings, can understand that at last I am not too dangerous to be a liar like that hero. In fact, this world is a very unsafe place for the person who has become a member of Satyamatha.



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