101 Ways to happiness - #33 Execution

in #life7 years ago

Do you sometimes feel that some people succeed in practically everything they are doing - and you somehow cannot achieve any of your goals? Do you think that is the reason for the fact that some simply have more luck than you and find themselves in the right place at the right time?


Of course, happiness is also played by success, but by no means the most important. We can all follow the few simple steps to make our dreams come true.We have to develop certain habits, that will bring us to the point when we'll achieve our goals easier and faster.

When setting your goals, be as precise as possible. For instance, I will write about the topic which is familiar to many of us - losing weight. If you want to lose weight, don't think "I'll lose some weight!", you better set the exact goal "I'll lose 7 pounds!". This way, you will be able to accurately imagine what success means to you, and the precise and measurable goal will also provide for motivation.

Accuracy is also important in determining the steps that will lead you to your goal. So if you decide to eat less, then you'll probably won't be very successful - but if you prepare an accurate menu with reduced caloric value, you will achieve the goal more quickly. This will also make sure that there is no doubt about what you have to do and whether you actually did it.


If we are too busy with a number of obligations and responsibilities, and if at one time we juggling ourselves with the many wishes and goals that we want to achieve, it is important to take advantage of every opportunity that could take us closer to the goal. For instance: if we want to lose weight it will also require a lot of physical exercises! But today - did we really didn't have time to go to the fitness room or we just didn't take it? Prevent this situation with planning. Plan ahead and decide, for example, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to go directly to the fitness room - so you can make better use of all the opportunities to achieve your goals!

Achieving goals requires a close and continuous monitoring of its progress; in particular, this is true for goals that are time constrained. If you don't know how well you are doing and in which areas you are glamorous and where you are lagging behind, you can not adjust your strategy and plan for further action. Keep an eye on your progress, but don't let the falls to bring you down, because they are an obligatory part of the journey, and the successes will surely provide a great motivation for continuing the journey!

When you set your goals high, the optimism and a positive attitude are definitely mandatory equipment. If you don't believe you will succeed, no one else will believe it! Faith in your success and your abilities will help you on a difficult path, which will surely be accompanied by falls - but it is of the most importance that you remain a realist. Most of the major goals require a lot of time, energy and perseverance so make sure you get the right dose of realism and optimism - success will surely not be missed.

Have in mind, that you will never be so good that you can't be even better, so focus on the path, not the goal. If you accept the fact that your abilities will change constantly, you will be able to achieve all your potentials more easily. You will always have enough restrictions from others, so don't limit yourself!

The road to success is never easy, but without courage and determination you will give up before you reach your goal. It is important to be receptive in advance with the fact that the route will be long and extremely difficult, and then boldly stick to your goals towards it.


Develop your own muscle for self-discipline. Self-discipline is extremely similar to the muscles in our body - more than we use it, it works better. If you leave it alone, it will become increasingly weak - but if you use the muscle for self-discipline on a regular basis, it will become ever stronger and stronger.

Although your muscle for self-discipline will eventually become truly powerful, be aware that it has its limitations. So make sure that you don't overload it - that you get tired of losing weight at a time and that smoking can not be the best idea, since your self-discipline will likely colapsed, which will be very bad for your self-esteem. Also, do not set yourself up on situations that are full of temptation - very successful people know that we must not make it even harder to get to the destination!

To achieve the goal, it is very important that you know how to achieve it - this requires activity, not inactivity. So, focus on what you need to do to achieve your goal, not what you should not.

Photos are from my personal collection.


Really well written and true. You do have a good sense for writing. Good job @emmamia!

Thank you!

Goal setting is so important....have you ever heard of the SMART acronym for setting goals? You pretty much summed it up in this post :)
Fulfilling goals does bring some contentment, yes. I'm not sure if it brings happiness, for me anyway :)

Oh really... I didn' t heard of it. But now I will definitely check it out.
About happiness... We are all unique and it would be strange if we would all think alike.😉

So true, if we all thought alike - how boring :) You always give me something to think about and I am grateful for that.

In my opinion, the main way of happiness is struggle

It is a constant struggle, but if you want to make something from your life, and in the end, you can say "it was worth it"- you have to put some efford in it.

True happiness comes from spirituality

Nature photography! Thanks for sharing

It was a very good article

with repetition you build habits, same goes for self discipline.

Thank you.I agree with you... I started this to remind myself to get back on track with optimism and positive way of thinking. Helping others on my way back up is making my day.

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