Teen Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

in #life6 years ago


Did you know: One out of eight teenager suffer from depression?

Why do Teenagers get depression

Teenagers when growing up are faced with several feeling and emotions such as frustration, sadnesses, hopelessness resulting from behaviors from teachers, parents/family life, friends, social media, school performance etc


What are the symptoms of teen depression?

When teen depression start to go worse,there are many noticeable signs and symptoms, they include:

1. Withdrawal from friends: When a lively teen start to show apathy and withdraw from friends. They tend to be left or be alone which is unusual for teenagers.

2. Poor performance in school: When a brilliant or well to do student suddenly start performing poorly in school

3. Suicidal tendency: When a teen start making comments and statements about death or singing death songs.

4. Substance Abuse: When a Teen abuse drugs to seek comfort. It can result from several issues ranging from separation in the family, family problems, social background etc

5. Showing of unnecessary anger or rage
6. Poor self esteem/injured self esteem
7. Over reaction to Criticism
8. Indecision/Lack of Concentration & Forgetfulness
9. Changing in eating/sleeping habit

How is teen depression treated?

They are two ways to treat teenage depression, Medication and Psychotheraphy/Counseling


Also Parents are to play close attention to their children. If they notice these symptoms they should sit them and discuss properly with or better still take them to a counselor to heal them from this mental illness and preventing and reducing any suicidal tendency

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