My 2017 Intentions ...... "Spring Is Coming, Time To Plant Our Seeds If We Are To Have A Good Harvest."

in #life8 years ago

We are approaching the Spring season here in England and as you know Spring is the perfect time to start planting our seeds for the next up and coming harvest. If we don’t plant our seeds now then our harvest will be scarce. 

We need to plant the seeds, give it water and nurture them and watch them grow. The seeds could be for anything, from how we would like to feel or things we would like to attract.

If you know anything about the Law of Attraction, you will know solely setting an intention but not taking any action is like planting a seed but never watering it; the seed will never grow and just stay in the ground until it is nourished with water. Therefore, action is definitely key if we are to have a good harvest.

When setting our intentions remember the 80/20 rule. The 20% is setting the intention and the 80% is the action you take, nourishing your mind, body and spirit.

So, the seeds I personally wish to plant for 2017 are as follows:

Visit three new European destinations 

I have visited many places in my life, however due to a career change by my partner, our financial priorities changed and a holiday sadly fell down the list. Back to the present, our financial circumstances are more certain and holidays have moved back up the list. 

My Travel Bucket List - coming soon.   

To have launched my Amazon FBA business and be making a profit

Although I have a full time job and earn a good income, it is my desire to have an online free-range business, allowing me the time freedom to actually choose how I spend my days.

So in the next 365 days, intend to have set up an amazon FBA account, researched and tested the market and found products that sell each month and be making a great profit per month.

To have at least 500 subs on YouTube, Twitter & Bloglovin’

As I am at the beginning of my content creating career, the amount of visitors my website gets, the amount of YouTube subscribers, Twitter and Bloglovin’ followers are currently low. As of March 6th  2017 my current subscribers/followers are as follows:

It is my dream to have millions of followers helping them with their emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial health, improving the lives of others giving them balance in their lives.

To do a podcast

I love the thought of doing a regular podcast discussing things from emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and financial health. I am very passionate about these 5 topics. I feel you need a balance of all to have a happy fulfilling life. 

To have sold my apartment and moved into my “dream” home

My apartment has been on the market for 11 months now. We have had a few viewings but no offers 😞 

We have found our dream home however, we need to sell the apartment first. We have a 17 year old Labrador called Boo and although he is fit and healthy it would be lovely to have a garden for him to play in before he passes away. 💔

To start building my community/tribe

I am a person with very few but quality friends. As you have or will notice, as you become more spiritually aware, certain friendships will start to fall away as some foundations are built on sand and were never going to last. So, it is my desire to meet, more like minded individuals who don’t only “live for the weekend”, (god that term makes me cringe) who allow me the freedom to fully express myself and not hold back with who I really am just incase they get triggered. 

I like to think I am an honest kind hearted person, I will do anything for you (not to the detriment of myself) however, once you hurt me or disrespect me I find it very hard to forgive and for me the friendship is damaged. Due to my poor judge of character, I at times hide in the shadows because I see the “picture” differently than others so to avoid feeling rejected, I just hide in the shadows hoping someone will see me.

To feel happier and to have a more positive outlook

I do tend to suffer with depression and social anxiety, so it would be lovely to tip the scale in my favour and to have more positive and optimistic days.When I feel low to remember to tap it out using EFT, to journal and do a “mind dump” or use a contrast and clarity list to shift my perspective.

To add an extra £1200 per month to my income

This can be from my amazon FBA business, property investment book or from other sources. I am not hell bent on one way to earn additional money. I don't want to cut myself off from possibilities, that I fail to see what potentially is right in front of me.

Continue my meditation practice 

My meditation practice hasn’t been the most consistent over the years, however after a few months break, I always go back to it when I realise chaos has again taken over my mind. Therefore, I have decided to begin a 15-20 minute meditation practice. Before, I put that much pressure on myself to do the Holosync meditation and stick to it’s extensive schedule; 1 hour a day 7 days a week 365 days a year, I failed to see the middle way.

An Idle Mind Is The Devil’s Playground

To have published my Property Investment For Beginners Book with Business Plan and be making over £500 profit per month.

I have been writing a book for the past year now drawing on my 7 years property investment research and experience. I have had many ups and downs and feel I have a unique way to inform others on what to look out for and the best ways to go about investing in property.
For updates follow The Proppreneur on Twitter.

A year from now (8th March 2018) I will review this post and see what I have achieved. 

What are your intentions for 2017?  

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