We Can't Always Control Events But Can Always Control Our Attitude

in #life7 years ago

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Life will definitely have its pinnacles and valleys. No one has a positive life. One of the most difficult lessons for us to learn as humans is that we can't control everything that transpires. But then, there is one thing we do have control over: how we respond to what transpires.

Life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you. Life happens for you to learn.

The clever ones amongst us learn that we aren't victimized, but there is a lesson here and once we grab the lesson, we see the bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Bad things don't just happen to good people, good people know how to react to bad things and eventually know how to turn those circumstances around for good.


Controlling how you react

Taking control of how you react to any given circumstance begins with having a positive mindset that enables you to recognize your inner critic.

Letting your emotions control you is easy. It's easy to do and say things in the heat of the moment that you regret down the line. It's easy to get worked up and create an even worse situation for yourself because the only thing we have control over is how we react to the situations at hand.

We can carry on with the life we need, regardless of how hard it can get. It all depends on our mindset. The rest are little diversions before reaching our destination.



Focus covers what you see presently, while vision covers what you see in the future. People who live lives of distress only see dusk and anguish later on.

If you do not have an absolutely clear vision of something, where you can follow the light to the end of the tunnel, then it doesn't matter whether you're bold or cowardly, or whether you're stupid or intelligent. Doesn't get you anywhere.
-Werner Herzog.

You require a positive vision of the future if you're going to live a life of celebration.
To be frank, the way in which we respond to everything that occurs around us determines the nature of our lives. There are things on earth we can control and things that we can't. It's pivotal to accept the fact that we can't control everything.
That's when you perceive the impact your attitude has on your encounters. When this is acknowledged, you will begin feel a more noteworthy feeling of control in your life.

Do not allow something to direct the way you respond to things. You have to search inside yourself and understand that you have the power to make things happen.

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Life is just life. Sometimes we cant help how we react to things that happen in our life. Nice post

Thanks for visiting.

Amazing post on life. Thank you @ememovic

Thanks for dropping by

That is a beautiful meditation! I love the suggestion to record the affirmations because I was wondering. How I could remember to say all of that.

Well done, Good enough to ponder on.

Thank you @gloglo.

  • Thanks for visiting.

How we react to event in front of us is really hard at times, thanks to this post you just boosted my self control

I'm glad you find it helpful.

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