in #life7 years ago


Human VS Forest

Humans sustain life from the forests they occupy, humans make forests for food, whether they produce fruits, vegetables and animals that make people come alive and greedy on things that are not very important.

Mankind can not be separated from the Forest. Both are interconnected and affect each other. Forests can support or support human life, humans can also harness the potential of forests to further develop the quality of life. Humans develop the knowledge they possess so as to create technology that facilitates human life. But it turns out the development of tesebut technology caused a negative impact because of human greed that can cause forest damage and disaster for humans, this should be minimized so that this forest can still be inherited for our children and grandchildren in the future.source


How are Forests Important in Human Life

When humans suffer and sick, they seek for the forest as their solution. When they want a technology that will make it easier for humans, then humans are looking for forests as a solution for humans .. this is human nature, but what does it do for the forest? the extent to which humans maintain forests.

Humans take a lot of benefits from the forest ecosystem. Many medicines and pharmaceuticals have been found in native forest plants. Local people survive on plants and animals taken from the forest. Products that depend on modern society such as wood, paper and bamboo all come from forest ecosystems. Many other products such as spices, rubber, and dyes are also found in forests around the world. Forests are important to humans for aesthetic reasons as well, and ecotourism is one way to use and promote sustainable forest protection.source


Severn Suzuki Said:

Severn Suzuki, speaking on behalf of E.C.O - Enviromental Children Organization. We Are a Canadian group of 12 and 13 year olds, trying to make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morga, Geister, Michelle Quiq and myself. We raise funds to come here for 6000 miles. To tell you all adults that you must change the way, Today is Here too. I do not have a hidden agenda. I want a future for my self only. Losing the future is not the same as losing the election or rug in the stock market. I am here to speak for all the generations I will come across. I am here representing starving children around the world whose crying is no longer heard.

I am here to speak for countless dying animals all over the planet because of the loss of their habitat. We were not to be overheard. I was afraid to be under the sun because of his perforated layersOZON.I was afraid to breathe because I do not know what chemicals carried by air.Saya fishing in Vancouver with my father, up to several years ago we found that the fish are full of cancer. And now we hear that animals and plants one by one experience every day - lost forever. In my life, I had a dream to see a large collection of wild animals, jungle and rainforest filled with birds and butterflies. But now I do not know whether these things are still there to be seen by my children later. Do you have to worry about these small issues when you are still the same age as I am now? All this is happening in front of us and yet we still remain acting like we still have plenty of time and all the solutions. I am just a child and I do not have all the solutions but I want you to realize that you are the same as me! You do not know how to fix the hole in our ozone layer. You do not know how to return the salmon to the original river. You do not know how to bring back extinct animals. And you can not restore the forest as it once was in its present place just a desert. If you do not know how to fix it.source

Industrial countries have to pay for Ozone that has been thinned due to pollution produced by industrialized countries .. with the depletion of ozone, the earth is more vulnerable to the sun and unstable natural disasters. to restore ozone by donating large-scale funds to tropical countries, especially those living on the equator ... they are back to planting large-scale forests so that the earth's ozone needs are met thus the human race can survive and be comfortable.



This is the most effective solution for global warming. Without large-scale funds, developing countries are unable to withstand tropical peoples from cutting down forests, as developed countries or industries can not resist the need to build large-scale factories. pay ozone to developing countries.
So industrialized countries should not tamper developing countries for not being able to control illegal logging ... blame your country for continuing to build large-scale factories

FOLLOW @elmubareki


These are real environmental threats. Ozone layer is so important for the earth.

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