Trying to Find Truth In a Sea of Lies and Vipers- Child trafficking-Candy Girl- Fiona Barnett Steve McMurray, Tim Roy...Pedos Down Under -Will Steemers end up censoring ourselves for popularity dollars?

in #life8 years ago

Well I´ve lost my sense of humor today.

I just saw a GREAT vid by @andrarchy about treating STEEMIT as a platform for art.
To work with things youre feeling.
Sorry for the link to such a heavy post.
Fiona Barnett is an interesting woman leading the charge in Australia for many victims of pedophilia, organised child trafficking and satanic ritual abuse.
She is the subject of a new documentary "CANDY GIRL" exploring her childhood memories of satanic ritual abuse

She is creating quite a rumbled stir as she claims she was sexually abused and tortured by a ring of high government, police, entertainment figures and CIA MK Ultra Psychiatrists like Nicole Kidmans father.

Fionas story contains many elements that are unbelievable. But I have found unbelievable things in the past that I later found out were true, so I keep my mind open.

Fiona and Steve McMurray ( linked up as his research helped Fiona piece together her puzzle.
(Steve managed to find MK ULTRA links and ties to validate Fionas story)

Steve featured last month in a fascinating interview with Jan Irvin exposing MKUltra Australian and International connections.
Steve and Fiona were invited back onto the show and unfortunately a shitfight ensued between the host, Jan and Fiona, and we are yet to hear the recording.

Irvin has recently called Fiona an unreliable witness based on outlandish claims, as is his right. Unfortunately it seems we may not get to hear the interview until he calms down.
An interviewer can be unable to accept a claim or claims and continue the discussion, so it is a shame we can not hear and decide for ourselves what went down.

If Fiona is not a reliable witness we need to find out why and expose that.

Sadly, Jan is personally threatening Steve McMurray, one of Australias best young researchers with jail!
Such a company man

Is this not suspicious?.

If I hear one more person say witch hunt, whenever we are really hunting dirty old pedos ....I´ll screeeeem

Try your best all, truth fears no inquiry.
Maybe Fiona is full of shit. Maybe Jan is.
Maybe we all are.
Maybe we all contain some truth and some lies and we can try to work out what´s what

Some of Fionas claims sound impossible. Sometimes it takes more than ten minutes to comprehend something..
Perhaps part of her elaborate torture included tricks to make her sound ridiculous if she ever decided to talk.
Perhaps shés a tool of someone to make all survivors of organised pedophile circles sound mad.

To me she is a gatherer of people, of energies. She is both strong and vulnerable. Soft enough that she still cares enough for others, brave enough to risk her life everyday to stand up, pretty much alone against how many of these sick people.

Even if every aspect of her testimony would be proven incorrect, there are still organised pedophile rings and we must move to hearing the next witness and the next and the next, as unsavoury as it is.

If 10% or 40% or 85% of what she says is true we should listen. Gather that. Test it against other info. Research more. The stuff we can write off, write off.

Too many real kids whole lives have been written off. They are either dead. Or dead inside.
Terrified. They will be offed. Or they wont be believed.
Terrified they´ll be called mad. And end up back in the pus filled cystem.

Tim Roy calls his perpetrators PUS. Pedophiles Under Stress.

Been a deeply interesting day listening to this new podcast by Fiona and Steve "Pedos Down Under", interviewing victim Tim Roy.
Somehow the show had as much humor in it as the title.

(Check out Rolf Harris here singing with the kids how to protect themselves from pedophiles at the very start of their new show)

While some say, some comedy is off limits, I say anyone who survives pedophilia, and lives to be well enough to laugh again, has the right to
The show is a fascinating interview with Tim. Hard to hear in parts but a promising first episode.
If this post garners any steem I will donate it to their show so they can buy the equip needed to keep up the enquiry

Tims parents trafficked him for sex to a network of pedophiles in the 70´s and 80´s which included some of Australias most well known and "respected" male elders.
Tim has documented his memories of being cruelly, ritually abused in a book ´Little Tim Big Tim.´

For many years as a child he was victimised which led to him suffering disassociative identity disorder. (DID)
An ability to compartmentalise pain and torture to an alternate personality.
As he jokes himself. He was good at forgetting

As an adult he was an "elite" soldier for the Australian Army. Those already splintered make the best candidates for the kind of mind control the army employs.

Indeed Tim knows STRESS will be the way these weak cruel people are stopped.
Only by having the light of truth shone on them will they scutter.
They have been promoted and kept in the limelight of celebrity all their lives, treated like kings... lately I haven´t been hearing so much from these men, theyre starting to lay low now that people know their names have been associated with this. .

How impossible to even survive the terrible things that satanic ritual abused kids survive.
How any of them still breathing are even able to have real lives and loving families and happiness again is a testament to their own self healing.

Those very speckled eggs who make it through and can write books or talk about it, face their fears and their childhood torturers and come public and admit the things they were forced to participate in... for no personal gain besides the feeling they may help stop one other child being used...
may help someone else in future be believed...

These people are as rare as blue eyed tigers.

These people used to be as rare as rocking horse poo, you never even used to hear about them.

These days thanks to the interconnectivity of the web, these international rings of child abusers are being exposed, often decades after the abuse, by many witnesses who have no hard evidence beyond their personal recollections, and we know how much they weigh.

We need not track down all the perpetrators to punish them.
They´re all going to give themselves whats coming to them.

Its just important that we clean the bench ; ), then shine the light of love until we send the critters scattering off, so the ones coming up underneath will see there is nowhere to hide and think twice.
Certainly no more knighthoods, lifetime awards, rewards and prizes.

We need to make some jigsaw picture of what is real, and what is not.
It would be good if we would treat victims brave enough to gift us their testimony the respect they deserve so they may feel comfortable, but also so other victims sitting in the closet wanting to come forth and help, can feel they wont be in trouble for doing so, if their claims are too outlandish, or if they get attacked by government social engineers.
I have been tricked and fooled by both gov agents and useful idiots. I suspect I myself have been quite a useful idiot at times promoting things and agents unwittingly.
I don´t know enough yet, and as I go, I am trying to learn why I know what I know.

I know its a really unpopular topic even though it affects great swathes of the populace internationally.

I don´t know who to believe and we need to somehow clear it up...

Let us not forget the McMartin preschool case. That was unbelievable too. Until they excavated and found hundreds of childrens bodies



Great post keep up the good work :)


oh my god i need a logo thanks for the thumbs : )

It's certainly a topic many people don't want to address. But once again this is the potential of Steem. Those who develop a following and popularity, integrity and respect have the potential to shine that light on topics that need to be addressed. And being this is an uncensored platform. It won't just disappear. It's pretty clear the role of celebrities and politicians is to hide the unthinkable from the masses and the system they have developed does a pretty good job of it... but now we have Steem. Integrity and respect might just mean something again... and the cockroaches and parasites will have to return to the cracks and crevises.

it is going to be great to watch if this theory is correct, i can feel consciousness rising and now incompatible with the current paradigm. Its all over folks, i think this will be a new gathering place for some great debates

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