2053 - nuke explosions and contamination world map sites!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

here it goes some scandal sensitive info
some of these maps are kind of acess denied!? but!

nuke wastes: src enerpol

poison ships suspected involvement of nuke waste dump radioactive or chemics by mafia criminalls:

wepons and wastes

some is "acess denied info" so i can't give you the link but I found it on goole!

: click to open scrool down

https://www.google.pt/search?client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&biw=1523&bih=808&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Q05dWpLPNcLKwAL8w4aIDg&q=radioactive+waste+map&oq=radioactive+waste+map&gs_l=psy-ab.3...3334.4107.0.5345. ships suspected of containing nuke wastes more nuke wastes on the atlantic

fukushina contamination
please share people must know the true!

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