Being offended is a choice

in #life7 years ago (edited)


“He who takes offence when no offence is intended is a fool, and he who takes offence when offence is intended is a greater fool.” Brigham Young

The freedom of expression is part of a free society. Everyone has the right to say whatever he wants, express his opinion, his thoughts and of course all these should be open to discussion. Some people though get offended very easily. It’s more than certain that in this life some may annoy you. But whether you choose to feel offended or not it’s only your problem.

Being offended when someone expresses his thoughts and there is no insult towards you, is pure nonsense. Maybe you don’t feel very certain of yourself and your beliefs and by hearing something from another person brings your insecurities on the surface. By not agreeing you have three options. The first one is to start a discussion to understand why X said that, be offended and laugh it off.

In my opinion when someone is not being provocative on purpose just to make you mad, the best thing to do is to not care. Everyone has different values and according to them they express their opinion. Even if those values are just crappy values to you, you have no right to silence anyone.

When someone offends you on purpose, you have two options. To offend him back or ignore him. In that case, by choosing the eye for an eye, you just give more value to the insult. Don't forget that we don’t have to be friends with everyone. It’s just that simple.

We spend a lot of our time and effort looking for whom to blame and try to solve things that most of the times don’t need to be solved. Have a more carefree approach to life. Be honest to yourself, try not to care way too much about silly things and you’ll be happier.


YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sick and tired of this "I am offended" bullshit.

I'm so glad that other people agree on that!! :) It is exactly as you said it.. Bullshits. :)

Yeah, being offended is definitely a choice. In fact, we can always choose what emotions we feel and radiate. Our minds are really powerful, and we can control our emotions, but it's really hard to do. Most of us act in certain ways, because of the emotions that we are feeling at that particular time.
When it comes to being offended, we choose to be offended, because we feel anger or any other different emotions and we allow it to happen. If you do not allow yourself to feel anger (or any other bad emotion) when you're being offended, then you can easily choose to ignore it and be on your way.

Exactly! And it's always better to stay away from negative emotions that have a not so cool impact in our lives. Self confidence doesn't allow anyone to offend us :)

Απόλυτα σωστή.. αν πέσει σε ηλίθιο τον αγνοείς γιατί θα κερδίσει λόγο εμπειρίας.. :))))))

χαχαχα Ότι πιο σωστό έχει ειπωθεί!!!

The vast majority of people take their opinions as part of who they are. they believe someone's disagreement with their opinions is a direct insult to them, as he doubts their ability of judgment. They suffer strong egos.

That is so true! And as you correctly mentioned this is unfortunately the vast majority..

Use resentment as a protection against a person with whom you do not want to communicate anymore. How do you like this option?

That means to be mean? Did I get it right?

To no longer communicate, you allow a person to understand that you are very offended by him. But in fact you do not care about the crime. The main thing is that this person does not bother you anymore. I think that this decision is more humane than killing all who bother us)))

Well of course! We have to declutter people that we don't need in our lives.. Killing each other is not an option at all for sure haha :P

I would kill a couple of people today ;)

Oops... I didn't see that coming :P

I hate political correctness! The mindless masses could abolish freedom of speech in order to be politically correct.

This is where we're heading.. Everyone is being offended and everything that is being said is considered as provocative or an insult!

Sorry, but if someone has an agreement with me - and they break it - then i am offended.

That is a whole different thing...This is betrayal and you have every reason to feel offended and angry..

Well, actually, in the few minutes since I wrote that, I have given it some more thought. Maybe it was the "my friend" who made the agreement with me. And maybe it was the "father of his kidds" who broke the agreement with me. One of the "I"'s" of that one person might not even consider what the other "I" promised. Practically two different people sometimes. And each of us has many "I"s, do we not?

It is true that we have many "I"s but I think that honesty and integrity should prevail no matter which "I" takes control.. In my opinion both being a friend and a parent are very important roles and maybe that's where the "I"s got lost.. But besides that, an agreement is an agreement..

I have somewhat the same attitude as you about "an agreement is an agreement". It is another contributing factor to my "loner" status however :-) because very few people stick to their agreements no matter what.

I can totally understand that as I also have a few friends.. And by a few I mean 3-4 people(the fourth one is in a zone between friend and not so friend) :) People many times disappoint us and "friends" can do it better..

He who mis-perceives can be dangerous.

Oh yes! Unfortunately he can! You are so right about it!

I find this post highly offensive

I don't judge you, Im deeply offended too by my post :P

Very well said once again! Πρέπει να βρω πως είναι το συμφωνώ και επαυξάνω στα αγγλικά...! :P

You're probably after something a bit more eloquent but 'ditto' ;-)
@eliakon I love your posts, spot on!

Thank you so much @airlea!! :)) <3

It's about a greek phrase which can't be precisely translated in english. Thank you for your comment @airlea :)

Hello @shimster, even though my Greek is a bit rusty, I think the closest phrase in English is ‘I couldn’t agree more with you’ ;-)

Oh, do you speak Greek? :)
I agree that ‘I couldn’t agree more with you’ is the closest phrase in English to use and even if your Greek is a bit rusty, you were spot on! :)
Though it's quite different from the literal translation of what I wrote. If we wanted to translated it, it would be something like that: ‘I agree and I increase ’.
But this is not correct English of course :)

I couldn’t agree more! ;-)
Pou kai pou milaw Ellinika :)

Thank you!! hahah Η αλήθεια είναι ότι πολλά βγαίνουν καλύτερα στα ελληνικά!

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