How to behave with dogs.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

At the beginning of our path as dog trainers it is important to know a thing or two about the dog's first approach and the meaning of our body language.

The dog is a pack animal and is aware of signs, movements, sounds, sounds and the like.
The dog first identifies body language and only
For example: when two dogs meet and one of them lies on the back - between the two dogs, this body language shows total surrender by the dog who lies down and actually tells the other dog, in their language of course, "I accept your authority and strength, I will not hurt you, You'll hurt me. "
When approaching a new dog we do not know it is important to remember a number of rules:
We as people with a very large body, scare the dogs when we approach them.
The dogs see us as allies, but like people, dogs must also trust those who come before them and, in most cases, want their best.

When we get to a new dog, we bend over and let the dog come to us and not the other way around, because the moment we get close to the dog to pet him, he may interpret this as an invasion of his territory and may escape or attack, so when we bend over and let the dog come to us, We came well and did not intend to harm him.
The smile, which for us is completely trivial, with a dog smile is interpreted as exposing teeth what is a threat to the dog.

Body language in general: When we work with dogs in training it is very important to keep the body language safe and to show the dog that we are in full control (even if we are not) Once I'm afraid the dogs feel it, the dog immediately recognizes what I feel and if it detects fear and / , He will try in many cases to take control of us by not listening, or accepting authority, or obeying commands and even trying to take over us physically by "corrections" as a dog can fix - with the mouth.


Great share @elad1982 I've worked with dogs for a long time now and am still amazed at how many people just can't be bothered figuring out just the basics. :)

Yes the doge is the best friend, what doge you have?
Have a nice day

We're ready for our next. I love retriever types and have had a big black Labrador/Red Setter. Awesome animal to play with. Then we bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - the Ruby (rust red) is my favourite there. My Mumma Dog has since gone to doggy heaven, so we're dogless. (sigh)
Now we can't decide and I think one will come to us. That feels like the best way. :)
21.2.07 05.JPG

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