Happy non birthday to you!

in #life6 years ago

And happy birthday to me! 

This might sound a bit sad, to congratulate myself for becoming 27 years old; but I do need to accept that I'm getting older :D  

Unlike all my other posts I'm going to be brief on this one, I want to say thanks to my mom for giving birth to me and thanks to all my family and friends for being there with me. Thanks to everyone here on Steemit who have supported me so far, I hope that I haven't betrayed your expectations so far. 

If today isn't an special day for you, then make it a special day, don't let your life become a cycle; live each day to the fullest, there is only one birthday per year, but there are 364 non birthdays every year, celebrate them, enjoy them and share the happiness around you!  

I like to keep things tidy and related to the post, so since this post is about my birthday I can freely speak my support to several great communities out there and thank them:

The first community I want to say thanks is PAL, or the Minnow Support Project. Thanks to you guys for being so nice and for spreading so much love in Steemit. Join here if you haven't already: https://discord.gg/HYj4yvw

The second one is the You Got Snekked community. I love the people here and the curation itself, it's so diverse that it's actually quite nice to go through the posts, it's not about science only, it's not about funny stuff only, it's about all of them and none of them... fun community indeed :D If you want to slither around this fun serpent, you can do so here: https://discord.gg/VWJxTEz

The third one I want to personally thank is the steemIT central community, don't look down on them just because of the small image, I couldn't really find any bigger image from them... they're small and setting up house now, but precisely because they're a small community it's leader @clausewitz can make a good effort with the members; no trolls, no scammers, a nice place to stay every now and then. If you want to join this newbie community with great potential, please do so here: https://discord.gg/aaNEqzC

There are many other communities out there that I'm slowly discovering and I'm sure that by my next birthday the list of thanks will be a LOT longer... But I do need to say special thanks to several specific persons, so...  

  • @creativesoul: AKA sunflower. Thanks for speaking so much with me and for giving me hope. I know you're suffering a lot with your health and I'm grateful that you decide to spend so lot of your time with me :D. I was actually very disappointed with steemit and considered leaving it (I'm still considering it), but speaking with you and the other persons in this list changed my mind a bit. You deserve the top since you were the first to reach out to me in a private fashion, and it's doubly valuable since it's hard to do so with your health condition.
  • @poeticsnake: AKA snekky. This girls is so much fun to be around, and her community is fun. The reason I want to personally thank her isn't related to those things, but to the fact that she gave me a fair chance to become a curator even though I'm just a minnow, that's pure altruism and something I respect in her. Thanks for everything, snekky!!!
  • @kristyglas: AKA dragongirl. This girl is an artist, and a good one at that. I like the fact that she draws dragons (who doesn't like dragons?) and she's pretty honest and good with all who follow her.
  • @clausewitz: No AKA for him, sadly... I want to personally thank him for being so nice and educated. We've spoken several times on his discord server and I've learned quite a bit from him; let it be written on the blockchain, thanks.
  • @graylan: AKA the active developer. Thanks for being such a dedicated colleague and friend to everyone in PAL. I remember your attitude when Chris had a bad time and I remember your attitude trying to help me with my censored internet. You went the extra mile to help me out and while I don't have much to give, I can at least give you my thanks... so thanks!

What about you who read this post? Is there a particular community you like, are there special persons you'd like to say "thanks for being part of my life"?  

As always, kind regards and have a nice day!

Eilder Jorge   


And thankyou for being an awesome part of this community too my friend.

Steemit is a melting pot of incredibly diverse people from every corner of the globe, we each add a few ingredients that only we can bring that makes the community special. Thankyou for your contribution here and on discord too!

Stick around for an epic journey, a truly nice guy like you will have a mega-long shoutout post by next year as you are gonna make a lot of friends...

Take great care and keep on being awesome man :)

Just like people told you on discord, you're awesome on giving feedback!!! and yes, totally and completely agreed, we come from very different places with very different backgrounds but instead of separating and judging others we decided to join hands and work together... this truly creates amazing pieces of work as there are many flavors in the final piece.

I actually consider myself blessed for discovering this place, I've met people from all over the world, and I haven't been here for a month!!! All the things I've learned, all the replies I've received are good treasures to me.
Even this simple post about my birthday where I could only take time to congratulate a select few since I'm only just starting has received tons of nice comments from people I haven't spoken as much as I'd like to... so thanks... thanks for leaving a nice comment like this, that's the unique flavor you give, the flavor of encouragement!!!

Wish you a very happy Birthday!
Accepted you discord invites.
Finally here is something to believe in:

Wow, didn't see that one coming... but it does make sense, belief is the first step towards action, and only action brings results. Enjoyed the video, thanks for sharing it. On a side note, hope I see you around discord too, and if you have another community you frequent, do tell me, I've enjoyed our comment chats quite a bit. I do plan on finishin eventually a post with a great list containing most communities with their ideals to help people find a bit their way, let's see if I finish it sometime soon. :D


Steem has allowed so many people to connect with each other from around the world. I do appreciate the kind words.

Happy birthday! ! I hope it's an awesome one day & all the best wishes ^-^
Thank you very much for the awesome mention <3

Wishing you a happy birthday once again...and thank you so much for the lovely shout out! Talking to you always brightens my day and gives me hope as well . You are already a valuable part of these communities and they are lucky to have you. Keep making friends and sharing your knowledge and experience so that more people will realize what an amazing person you are! <3

Hi @ejgarcia

I just found your reply replated to my question about MOBU a moment ago. Just wanted to say: Thx for your comment.
I wanted to upvote your comment but it's over 7 days old so I decided to show my support by upvoting one of your latest posts.

I noticed that we seem to share a number of interests. In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Post obviously upvoted.

I will follow you closely :)
Take care, Piotr

Thank you. I actually don't share a passion towards cryptocurrencies and find them very dangerous to deal with. On the other hand I do see incredible potential in blockchain technology. It's not like cryptocurrencies could do great good, but since I have friends in the financial and social sectors we've discussed the matter to great extent and they did convince me that they're a very dangerous time bomb.
On the other hand the blockchain technology has tons of potential uses that could turbocharge our efficiency in keeping information secure and up-to-date.

Thank you for the upvote and for the comment, see you around on Steemit :D

Thank you for your kind reply @ejgarcia

they did convince me that they're a very dangerous time bomb.

Would you mind sharing with me why is that? I would really love to hear you out.

All the best

I will reply to this comment again on monday, it's going to take a while to explain it in full and I don't have the time right now. But I will do it, promise. It's mostly about the fact that a digital currency cannot be sustained by our modern socioeconomic systems... bitcoin and digital currencies are ahead of our times and because of that our systems will use them incorrectly. I'll explain more on monday.

Thank you @ejgarcia

I appreciate your time really.

Perhaps you could send me notification on telegram (@crypto_piotr) or email: [email protected] so I would not miss your reply? Im really interested in your opinion.


Well, I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while, but it would sound like hipocrisy. I think that cryptocurrencies are dangerous in the long term due to several reasons. I need to start talking about law and order, several thousands of years ago people had no laws and killed each other and took things from each other without retaliation. If we lived without laws today, I wouldn't be able to sleep or walk in the streets towards my job. Mankind came with a simple solution, in order to keep things calm between two people, a third one was needed, both people would give that third person the authority to stop both of them of their own free will, and thus laws were born. Laws are enforced by that third party in any way necessary according to the laws themselves in order to faithfully protect the first two parties. Of course, there is a lot of corruption and other factors influencing that third party, but that's the general idea.
Now, why bother bringing laws to cryptocurrency discussion?, well, this is due to backing and responsability. Suppose we go back to the two party example above, if I say I've got something that is worth as much as your house, would you accept it if you don't think so?, a third party needs to be the judge again, and what if I appear with a bunch of papers and tell you those papers are worth everything you got? will you believe it, would you "trust" it?. The keyword here is trust, if I have a billion dollar account and offer to buy your house, would you sell it?, you're receiving paper for that house of yours, or even numbers in a computer, yet you trust the value of that paper; the government and the banks work to keep that value. On the side of the cryptocurrencies, who will vouch for the value of a crypto? who will you trust to keep the value stable or to increase it? there is no one, no one at all.

So first issue, cryptocurrencies cannot be trusted, and this doesn't apply only to the value of the cryptocurrencies itself, but also to the fact that they are damn hard to trace, which means that all sort of illegit and not good behavior can occur using them, terrorism funding, drugs, human traficking, organ selling, the dark net is ripe with people moving cryptos to their benefits, since they're out of government control. Another core point is the cost of mantaining the currency itself, normal fiat currency is just managed in computers and printed or minted when necessary, the costs of mantaining such a system is very low and it supports big transactions without much effort. In comparison the cryptos need tons of computing power to do the mining and keeping the nodes running and registering the transactions. And what if someone decided to transfer 1 Trillion in bitcoins? the network wouldn't be able to tolerate that, the fees and the cost and the time would be ridiculous. But banks too have hefty fees, don't they? This is actually related to the third point I'm going to tackle now: Global nationalization.

Yes, you read that right, instead of globalization we're in a era of global nationalization that impedes the creation of anything truly worldwide, much less the creation of a worldwide currency. Countries close their frontier more and more every day, and we're surrounded by people who talk about feminism, machism, racism, and all sort of different genders. Instead of reffering to each other as citizens of planet earth or just humans we always refer ourselves by our titles and our countries, stuff like that... even for the Euro which had the full backing of several governments and banks it was a hard ride and they're still struggling with only a few countries in very close locations; can you truly believe a currency with no government and people's support can be adopted worldwide without drastic consequences? I can't convince myself to believe it, not while our modern socioeconomic system is like this.

The final problem is a purely fundamental economic one and it's the fact that cryptocurrencies are limited in amount. Let's assume for a moment that the world has abolished fiat and everything worldwide is priced in Bitcoins. For the sake of argument let's assume that money is distributed in the same way as it's today, soccer stars and financial firms have a huge amount of bitcoins while the average person only has fragments of bitcoins. Prices are suited to the average person of course, so a TV would be worth like 0.02 BTC or less, but what about fees for transactions then? wouldn't they be as hefty as the banks's current fees? food for thought. Returning to topic, since bitcoin is limited more bitcoins can't be printed and how would these people accumulate more riches? This is an issue, but even worse is what would happen if these people went on a buying spree, the market would be flooded in bitcoin, decreasing their value, so that the average person's bitcoin would be worth even less and they would be forced to part with bigger amounts, but in the end it would all go back to them, because they're the 0.01% of the population that holds control over the 99.9999% of the economy. So over enough time the gap between the rich and the poor would become even wider.

The final key point is the problem of security in such a decentralized environment, no one is to be held responsible for whatever happens, and forks can happens and, heck, let's use the right word: "SHIT" can happen, I was just reading about how several malwares and cracking techniques were being used against Bitcoin ATMs for example. Even government and banks can be hacked every now and then, but there is some degree of safety, in fact, at least in America, if your bank goes broke the government will pay you at least 50.000 dollars if you had at least that amount in the bank. And since transactions only occur between banks and bank accounts they're very secure because they have billions spent in safety, you can't compare that to the public safety of the chain, right?

Those points are enough to make me doubt the lasting power of cryptocurrencies and to be honest I only see them as a speculator's playground, a way to try and make some money since I live in a third world blockaded country and cannot trade forex or invest in stock indexes, trust me, I wouldn't get involved otherwise. Just as Starbucks said: "We don't want digital currencies, we're just providing a platform so you can exchange that and pay us in fiat", I also saw another interesting news: "Bitconnect's BCC is getting delisted due to lack of liquidity with a market capital of 5.6M" meaning that 5.6 millions are just disappearing because people can't accept the change of value, this is simple, someone who bought Bitcoin near 15k would willingly sell it for 800 or 700$? yet someone who just reaches the market won't pay 15k again, so the coins don't move and thus lose ALL value... another beauty of the free market.
That's it, what do you think? I believe that since you're a crypto enthusiast you have solid bases to rebate all of these points and convince me otherwise and I'm more than willing to listen if that's the case. Cheers and see you around.

P.S: This is more than 1200 words long, it's competing for the longest comment on steemit :D

hi @ejgarcia

I just realized that you replied to me on Steemit. Sorry for such a late reply on my part.

I've got your email and i would love to keep in touch with you as Im impressed with your knowledge. The only thing is that Im not sure how to reply to you since you mentioned that you're not going to check that email :(

Anyway thanks for sharing your thought. I totally appreciate it.


Well, I don't check that email, but you can find me on discord, and I do have another email, [email protected] that IS the email I check, the problem is that I cannot check it from my office, so I check it once per two or three days, but that one I do check often enough. It's been a pleasure to check some of your opinions as well and that post about AI was really good too and a good read.

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Feliz cumpleaños. Me pareció muy gracioso que pienses que estás envejeciendo solo tienes 27 años!!! Ahora es que tienes un horizonte pleno para descubrir y alcanzar. Una vida por delante para seguir viviendo ese presente al máximo.

Muchas gracias!, Ahora es cuando más me tengo que esforzar por lograr salir adelante, porque son estos los años más dificiles y los que más diferencia marcan a lo largo de nuestra vida. Gracias por pasarte por este post!

Saldrás adelante, la vida se hizo para vivirla cueste lo que cueste, mis mejores deseos.

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