Try 'Letting Go' and not 'holding on'...

in #life5 years ago (edited)

"Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go."- Hermann Hesse.

Too often we under estimate the power of opening our hands and letting go of those things we thing are too important to let go of.
Like when we are hurt, we keep that episode in our hearts for as long as we can and will at every little opportunity take a trip down that road to relieve what happened and even go plotting our revenge in our head.

How do you live a life where all you want and know how to do is hold on to what you should ordinarily let go of?
How will be you able to make progress and move ahead when you cannot stop looking behind and reveling in nostalgic stupidity?

One secret to living a happy life lies mostly in our ability to let go of those things we hold dear and allow the ones that may shape our lives for the better come in.
Never letting go is like having your hands tied to your back and expecting to be able to use it to collect something from your front.

I Feel Blessed!

Being strong is not a function of having it all and having it all has nothing to don with strength. In most cases, it is as a result of stupidity, greed, gluttony, anger and blind rage that some hold on to what we should let go.

Do you know that, the things you don't let go of becomes thrash and then it becomes something you cannot use?
Keeping a grudge in your mind has the ability to turn your heart to a toxic wasteland and when that happens, you will not be healthy emotionally, psychologically and physically.

If you must drink water, you must first swallow that which is in your mouth; you cannot add water to your mouth while there still is water. It is just plain impossible to do it and have it make sense.

Making good decisions starts with us making a move for what matters and what counts well in our bid to participate in living and contributing to life and everything therein.

Taking a queue from the Proverbs 11:24, "there is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty."

  • You will be poor physically if you think keeping everything you own is how riches is measured.
  • You will be poor in spirit if you hold grudges and never being able to forgive those that hurt you.
  • You will be weak if you think holding on to what you think makes you string is what strength is about.

The strong live for the world and they do their best to make sure everyone around them has something to look forward to.
Being strong is not so that you bully others, it is that you are an important factor of life and living.

We are all synced and no man is an island. You put in to take out and when you put in well, you become well fitted and positioned for something greater.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

Img 1 & 2.

Forgive, cut the cord from the relationship, then forget it ever happened and move on. Sometimes its easier said then done. Definitely worth releasing that dead weight. Very good topic that most dont talk about, awesome post.

Thanks. Moving up and letting go is the hardest thing anyone can do but when you are able to do it, you find a release like never before see.

Stay Awesome!

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