Respect is not measured through words...

in #life5 years ago

"It costs nothing to treat someone with respect."offer-442904__480.jpg

Telling someone, "I respect you" is different from "showing them respect" in the way you relate and how you treat them.

It is really easy to use the word respect in a sentence but harder to actually live in in our actions, speech and display of affection or not.

We get to meet various individuals who tell us they respect us but end up dishing the most respect we have ever had to receive from any one during our lifetime.


I have been fortunate to work in various capacities and with various characters in over 3 decades, and I can say this for free that, I have have my fair share of working with people with no moral bearing.

"Respect is reciprocal" is what they say, but it isn't all that.
There are just some persons who no matter how you try to give them the respect you think is due them, they will always turn I to the unpleasant individual they are.

I once had a working relationship with the most disrespectful individual I have yet to see and meet. It got worse as we worked together that I always have to breath carefully whenever I talk with them.

Everything was a mistake until you take your time to explain what it is you meant and then they always throw tantrums and make disrespectful statements all in the name of, "I am an open-minded person and I say it as it is."

I believe that, "saying it as it is" is another fancy way of saying, "I am a disrespectful prick and you should know that."
An open-minded individual doesn't need to tell you he is, you get to learn that aspect of their lives through how they interact and live their lives.

Life is a circle and although no one is perfect, there are those instances when you look at yourself and someone else, you will know who crosses the professional limes of good conduct and who doesn't.

We are different with with our unique ideas, smartness and abilities and because you are what you are doesn't and shouldn't give you a reason to look down on anyone and disrespect them.

The man you push down today may just be the one who will show you the ropes up when you fall down flat on your nose.

Be nice to one another and live your life with some respect flowing in your veins.
It is not supposed to be a hard thing to do especially when it comes to respect because, it looks good on us when we know how to give it back.

I don't know if being respectful comes with age or just the individual, but I believe it should be a "thing" that defines us clearly and well that no matter where we find ourselves and with whomever, we will have given some respect.

When you are surrounded with disrespectful folks like yourself, you will never learn to do better because, like you, they are just fine being who they are and will always make you feel you are doing the right thing.

Learn your path and live like you should without leaving dumplings you may need to pick up tomorrow.

Make the world a better place for someone today!
