The Real Fake friends.

in #life7 years ago

Loyalty has been a scarce commodity lately. This is because information flow is so high that it becomes harder for the culprits to cover their tracks. We all have that one friend that we feel he or she doesn’t seem to have the purest of intentions right? Well it turns out that , it is really hard to spot the real fakes. Most times we mistake
truth for rudeness,
Fact for believe and
Passion for Reality.
In this article I am going to illustrate how these misconceptions happen, how we can change them to be the best of ourselves and more significantly win more friends.

1.Truth for Rudeness.
Real friend talk openly and transparently. If you have a bad habit growing in you they will tell you about it. For example:
If you start a business today and call friends, family and relatives to test your product they will all return fine comments. And this is because you have made a step forward by creating the product as compared to your past self. But what they do wrong is leaving out the bad parts of your product and give you only the best they can see. And that is not a crime at all, if they have not noticed the product weaknesses. Because if the did and never said a word they are practically letting you drive a wrecked vehicle. It’s downside is that a stranger will judge you just like any other established business and the moment they spot a fault in your product they will not buy it. Then you will have to learn the hard way, loose money when you had room for improvement at early stages. Humans don’t seem to take criticism so well. In fact we even begin to think that the person criticizing doesn’t like our progress and they are hating on us. But this is not necessarily the case .
if we see a fault and don’t speak about it we are being fake . And when we speak about it the other person thinks we are fake!
What must we do?
The only way to be real in this matter is to choose our words with consideration to the receiver. For example: This is an example of a constructive feedback. “Hello Jerry, I really like your new ios app it has a really awesome functionality, I also shared the link with some of my contacts and they think it’s cool. There is one small downfall I have noticed though, Please consider adding a freemium version for your android customers That way, you can access more user and generate more revenue.” This level of truth and criticism is truly useful to your friends. Try your level best to choose your words with consideration to the receiver. This type of language is friendly and gives the message in a manner that demonstrates we are trying to suggest the best and make the person leap to the next level of success and not trying to hate or discourage them.

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