in #life7 years ago


Racism shouldn't be something new to anyone of us by now. We all have come across the word before at a particular point in time. Racism is the order of the day in the world we live in today. It has consistently surfaced both in the past and it is still present in the world today. Racist attacks has been on let me say for over about 200 years now. Why have we given so much room to racism for a long period of time?


According to the popular song titled “Black or White” by the legend himself Michael Jackson, may his soul rest in peace; he made mention of it in his lyrics that “it doesn’t matter if you’re white or black”. It really doesn’t matter at all, what matters most is that we all are human beings and we are all created equally. Let us see each other as ONE irrespective of our color, race, culture, background or religion. The world needs us to come together as ONE.


I am a human being just the same way you are, and you are a human being just the same way I am, i've got one head just as you have and got two hands and legs as you have also, so how different are we then? Therefore, we shouldn’t pay attention to our difference in color, no we shouldn’t; and it is not our fault also, no it isn’t. At the same time we cannot fault God either because he created each and every one of us and trust me he has his own genuine reason and purpose for creating us differently.


Mind you, what we really don’t understand is that we didn’t create ourselves, and also we didn’t choose to be either white or black. Let’s put an end to racism and racial discrimination. The moment we begin to consider our difference in color as totally irrelevant, then things would become better for our planet, for the world and for the entire human race in general.


The big question is can racism ever stop, can it come to an end, can it be totally eradicated or eliminated. Well, the answer to that question lies on us and it is written boldly and clearly in each and every one of us hands, it all depends on us if we could only just open our eyes and leave it wide open. Therefore, we shouldn’t tolerate and give any more room to racism in our society and the world at large. I strongly believe that if only we could open our inner eyes and see the bigger picture by coming together and joining hands together to become ONE and to speak with one voice. The moment we begin to see each other as fellow human beings, as brothers and sisters and show love towards one another rather than hatred, the better the world would become for us all.


My fellow steemians, am using this medium to urge every single one of us to say No to racism and let us try in whatever way we can to abolish it and put an end to it. Let’s be the change and who says the change can’t start or begin from here. Who says the world can’t be a better place without racism? I am absolutely confident that the world would be far much a better place without it. Let’s step out and be heard, let’s enlighten people of the need to see ourselves as ONE and put an end to racism and let’s join our hands together as steemians, and as human beings in general to fight against racism and put an end to it once and for all.


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