The medicine after death verdicts: What is their purpose?

in #life7 years ago


Throughout history, there have been cases where people were falsely accused of a crime and even ended up getting sentenced for years, only for new evidence to re-emerge which causes the whole case to be re examined and freeing the right person after years of torture in prison, possible rape etc.

A popular example is that of a former Kirk Bloodsworth, a former marine personnel who was falsely accused of murder and rape and if not for DNA upgrades, would have died in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Imagine, dying for a crime you didn't even commit. Now we cannot blame the law court for such a verdict, but what about cases where the constituted authority actually neglected lack of evidence either way?


Exhibit one

Pardon the pun in the subtopic, there is a story of a man named Robert Dewey who was also accused of a crime he claimed he didn't commit, of course most guilty people prefer to plead innocence, but what made his case different was most of the results conducted pointed towards his innocence and rather than setting him free, the prosecutors were insistent that he committed the crime and got him imprisoned. It took a whooping seventeen years before his innocence was totally established for a crime he didn't commit.

So many arguments have traversed back and forth as to why the case was even built with circumstantial evidence, some believe the actual perpetrator of crime was well connected and paid a lot of people off, some believed that the lady who was thought to be raped was never raped and a host of other theories.

Back then when ladies involved in science were considered as witches and burnt at the stake, everyone thought it right, years later, some of them have been cleared of the false charge, but does that bring back the dead?
Those who have lost their lives, homes, identities as well as other things due to false verdicts, does the truth bring back the dead?

Just recently, a young man was shot dead by the police arm known as the Swift Action Response Squad (SARS), on the "suspicion" of being a cultist. The only proof they had was a gun they claimed they found on him and he was pronunced guilty and killed based on assumptions. They never asked the right questions like

  • Does he have a concealed permit
  • Who are his accomplices
  • Who does he work for

This is simply barbaric and some even claimed the gun story to be a hoax and that piece of evidence (gun) was planted on the deceased.
In a saner clime, everyone is believed to be innocent until proven guilty and the more we are trying to ignore, facts, stats and evidence, the more problems we face.


Exhibit 2

Do you know most convictions for innocent people were done under duress. I believe most countries now invalidate confessions obtained under duress.
Sadly, in most police cases in some countries, evidence are not cross checked for the condition under which the "said" proof was acquired.

How do you expect a man who has never endured torture before not to squeal under torture, even to a crime he didn't commit, yet some authorities pay no heed to such. They'll rather slap a guilty verdict and retreat into a cloud of smoke.
So when an innocent man hangs and he is later found to be innocent, what is the purpose of the innocent verdict I ask?

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It is very saddening that in this time and age, people are still being victimized like this. If I may ask, what rot has become of our judicial system? Thank you for sharing this.

The rot comes from so many factors.

This brings tears to my eyes as I walk down memory lane of a boy, an undergraduate who suffered injustice only to be cleared some two years later of the crime. By then, the father had died of a broken heart, mourning his son. It is laxity on the part of the government and judiciary. They care-less about human lives, that is just the summary. Thank you for sharing

This reminds me of SARS

Well said and explained upvoted and resteemed, soft.
From @steve1122

It's sad that most of this cases still occur till date

You are right, it is indeed sad to see them still occuring

Innocent persons are misjudged from time to time and the justice system applied by various nations of the world do not help either. It really sucks to see rich and corrupt persons get away with various crimes time and time again just because of their power and influence while innocent persons are positioned to take the fall and are thereafter led to the slaughter. Only God's kingdom will bring true and lasting peace, impartiality and Justice to humankind. That's why we need to pray for that Kingdom to come sooner rather than later. And God has promised us that indeed it will not be late. So there is true and lasting hope for the future and we all should look forward to it. Thanks for sharing this article.

I hope we indeed find that peace we so much crave

Wrong convictions even when overturned does not give the wrongfully convicted his time back. Even with compensation, the person's life when incarcerated is forever lost.

What's done is done, people don't realize that I am sorry doesn't fix nada

It sure doesn't fix it

Crimes, facts, stats
One thing I have taken time to walk around.
Many go unpunished. Well, facts were ignored, stats were not checked.

Many innocent get punished, stats were altered, facts were ignored.
But the truth would remain the truth even after thousand years have passed and the vulnerable has been damaged beyond repair, the truth would still cause balance in some sort of way, it would never repair the damage, it might heal wounds if the body is yet not dead but scars would always be scars.

The truth does indeed remain the truth

Wow. There are many things to say about this which lies in my unconsciouos. But the only thing I can quite manage to say now is that the law is more powerful than justice. If you can tease her maiden bare feet; remove her blindfolds and show her the world, she will dance to your tune whether you are guilty or not. Great goings @ehiboss. Continue to dissect the world with your words.

Thank you for your contribution @funmiakinpelu

A miscarriage of justice cost 40 years in prison to a convicted in the USA

wow, that's so sad

And this is why I'd rather a thousand guilty people go free than let one innocent person get locked up. After all, karma catches up with everyone eventually. We as a human family should not seek to punish each other for mistakes, but rather to help each other improve.

It has been said that punishment is the best provoker of violence.

We are human beings, sometimes mistakes are made in a verdict,can't blame them, it's the human error

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