in #life7 years ago


Since science began to flourish many of the things that the human being thought could only be some kind of magic or trick have become reality however there are still some things that still can not be realized one of them is the possibility of being able to heal Wounds quickly or regenerate members lost due to accidents however fantastic though there are alive beings as if wolverine x men are able to heal and even regenerate after being injured or have lost any part of their body that we will see Some of the most impressive.

1. - The Salamander

The salamanders of the species Ambystoma mexicanum, originate from a lake in central Mexico, are animals that become adults with sexual reproductive capacity while still in the larval stage.

However most amazing, its capacity for regeneration. When one of these salamanders loses, one leg, a small protuberance, called blastema, is formed on the stump. The blastema takes about 3 weeks to become a new fully functional leg, a rather short period if we consider that the animal can live 12 years or more. In a human, this would be equivalent to regenerating a limb in no more than 5 months.

Cells within the blastema that are very similar to embryonic ones originate from all tissues surrounding the stump, including cartilage, skin and muscle. As a result of research scientists have long believed that these cells are pluripotent, meaning that they could give rise to different types of cells once they happen to function in their regenerative mode.

2. -The Axolotl


This Mexican amphibian loses its limbs and simply grow again and the hemorrhages stop in a few seconds. Scientists want to understand how it works to be able to use phenomena for human medicine.

They not only want to investigate the amphibian Axolotl, but also ensure the conservation of the species. Axolotl means "water monster". Because this animal lives its entire life in the water.

These small animals regenerate in an almost miraculous way. The animal manages to recover its limbs that, for example, it has lost in an accident or by attacks of other animals.

3.- The Zebra fish

The extraordinary regeneration capacity of zebrafish, which causes them to sprout damaged or amputated tissues, even in vital organs such as the heart, are making them of great interest for medical studies, under the latest scientific advances and Technologies that could copy some of these natural, portentous mechanisms for use in human surgery.

The common zebrafish, named after its five lateral stripes, and scientifically known as Danio rerio, can regenerate its organs and tissues. This ability, which also has some other fish and amphibians, but which do not have mammals, has aroused the interest of scientists seeking to reveal their mysteries.

4.- The worm called Planaria

There are worms that are able to regenerate parts of their body that have been cut, such as their head and brain, these worms live in fresh water have a flat shape and measure 1 cm in length and are called Planaria.
These animals are amazing because they have the ability to regenerate any part of their body that is cut from head to tail, because 20% of the cells in their body are stem cells or totipotent.

What about your memories when you regenerate your brain?
Surprisingly, a number of published studies have shown that these planar so-called planar worms can recover some of their memories after being decapitated and regenerating their brain.

1. - The Hydra


The Hydra, a small freshwater animal that could be said to have the gift of immortality. He is not a fantastic character, he is a totally real animal, measures about 3 centimeters long, green and elongated, which, in suitable conditions, can stretch his life in seemingly endless ways. This happens thanks to its main characteristic is its regenerative capacity. This covetous was first observed by Professor Daniel Martinez who document the life and death of these animals during four years lapse in which none died that for an animal of its small dimensions is impressive. In addition fruit of could be verified that these animals did not grow old.

The amazing capacities of the Hydra are not limited to its immortality, but also to its reproductive capacity, since it can reproduce within three days of being born, and thus mocks the norms of nature according to which the speed in reproduction also implies A quick death. A "normal" animal that breeds so quickly should have a life of not more than a month in length.

As we have seen with these animals there are animals like the case of the Hydra are in reality immortal and although the human being is barely discovering the way in which nature favored them with this quality maybe someday that almost immortal human being close to existing Moving from the fantastic to the real.

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