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RE: What's True for Me

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Not to get too religious, but it's interesting that Adam & Eve on first noticed their own nakedness & shame after committing sin. God realized they were shamed of their bodies while hiding behind bushes - which is how he knew they had sinned by eating an apple from the tree of knowledge.

So where I'm going with this and relating to is;

Sin = Shame of Nakedness = Clothes.

So the most Innocent "we" were or have been - was also a time where we didn't hide our bodies.

Whatcha think?


I follow your logic and agree! I'm not religious, but I agree clothing often is just a way to hide parts of ourselves. And hiding is really the problem...we all "sin" or make mistakes. Be open and honest about that to those who love us, and then recommit going forward. It's when we start hiding in shame that all our other problems build up.

Great comment. Thanks for engaging in this :)

Adam and Eve has some brilliant symbolism and can be interpreted in many ways! There's so much timeless wisdom and insight in these stories if someone can free themselves of the idea that these stories have to be literal or they're worthless, or if truth isn't found in a literal reading the authors can't have believed it was.

Highly recommend Dr Jordan Peterson, search more on him talking about this but here's a short clip where he talked about the Adam and Eve story. I also recommend looking up him talking about the Egyptian myth and what that represents

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