The way forward:

in #life8 years ago

And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. (John 17:11 KJV)

The way forward is the unity of the believers. It is so important that Jesus Christ said a special prayer about it as seen in the book of John 17. He said, "that they may be one". Jesus Christ already saw the divisions that will exist among the believers such as we have today. Now, there are the Catholics, Anglicans, Apostolic, Baptist, Pentecostals, Sabbaths, Celestials, etc. each with its own traditions and ways of worship. Now, an unbeliever does not only have to make the decision to accept Jesus Christ, he or she also have to make the decision on which of these platforms to follow Him. This is a sad situation for the kingdom of God. Its as if God did not answer the prayer of Jesus Christ. But not so.
God did in fact heard that prayer, and the answer to that prayer is now made manifest more than 2000 years later, precisely in this generation and we know this by the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Hear me! The unity of the believers is paramount! Today, we have the opportunity and the tools to unite the believers. This generation of believers have the mandate to establish a united front for the kingdom of God. The Father is seeking and calling out the true worshipers that were predestinated to get the job done.
The prophet Isaiah said, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the 'mountain' of the Lord's house shall be 'established' in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it."(Isaiah 2:2 KJV)
About the mountain:
The word mountain does not always mean an area of land that rises very high above the land around it. It also have other meanings. Take a look at your dictionary, you will see that the word also means a large amount of anything, a vast number or quantity. For the scripture above, the mountain is vast number of men and women that make up the Lord's house. It is the 'network' of a vast number of individuals who have come from different religious backgrounds, whose hearts and minds are bonded by love and knowledge of the Word of God. In whose hearts God lives through their knowledge of His Word. They are not conditioned souls traveling to places in search of deliverance, nor do they seek the physical touch of a man of God for their miracle. These ones have come to understand that God lives in them and that by the word of faith they themselves are miracles in the flesh. They worship God by the many expressions of their faith born out of knowledge. Knowledge is key! For these ones, there is no ignorance of the truth that they are the temple of God, and that God Himself dwells in them. This knowledge spurs them to do exploits for the kingdom of God no matter who or where they are. These are the true worshipers, and because of their sincere show of love and care for one another in the network, all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say to others, come, let us go be part of the network of the Lord's house, to the house of the God of Jacob. It won't matter their previous religious affiliation, they will be united and willing to learn new ways to worship God. This is the mountain of the Lord's house. Halleluyah!
The work:
The goal is to establish the 'mountain/network of the Lord's house' using all the powerful tools of mass media and information technology available today. For obvious reasons we cannot physically unite the believers at this time. What we can do now, is to establish the mountain/network of the Lord's house, and this my friends, is what the prophet Isaiah spoke of.
Don't forget that the prophesy says, "the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the 'top of the mountains' and shall be exalted above the hills." What this means is that, there are other established mountains or networks, so the mountain/network of the Lord's house is to be established in the top of them.
Facebook, tweeter, youtube, google, all religious networks etc. are all examples of these existing mountains/networks that have vast numbers of people.
The first step is to create a super network that will possess the characteristics of a combination of all existing networks. Members will be able to do everything they love doing with those networks and much more, except that this time it will all be done to the glory of God and development of the kingdom of God. Religious leaders all over the earth will encourage their followers to subscribe to the mountain Lord's house because it will create oneness among the believers of God, which is what we all so desire. And it shall come to pass when men shall say "it is the Lord's house for all".
Before the foundations of the worlds God did predestined the individuals that will play the key role of providing technical and financial support for this work. God already has the IT experts and the billionaires that will commit the expertise and finances needed to establish the super network. I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that these individuals are accomplished in their fields of endeavor yet there is still the feeling that something is missing in their lives. I assure you, that when they get this message, they will respond, they will make contact, and the super network, the mountain of the Lords house will go live to the glory of God. Amen...

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