
It's refreshing to hear these values presented by a woman who's strength springs from her femininity. It's good to see someone who hasn't been duped into accepting the modern idea that a strong woman equals male attributes housed in a female body. I know it's presumptuous of me to assume your gender in the first place (a big faux pas these days). I don't care if this offends anyone who may read this because I know that this is a sincere compliment to you. Even more complimentary is that when I first saw the still frame of your face before even playing the video, I saw a strong woman with something substantial to say. How can this be when your face is pretty, and the camera never focuses on the areas of your body that have been classically associated with the female version of the human person?

Sarcasm aside, the movement to subject the accidents of nature to the whims of the individual has a root cause that is far more diabolical than the social justice smokescreen will reveal. Whether we choose to call it an imbalance within nature, elitist population agenda conspiracy, or the evil one, the certain desired outcome is the disintegration of the family (which is the backbone of society).

The irony that seems to elude the most radical of feminists is that baring children is the single, solitary thing women can do that men cannot. Therefore, motherhood is the ultimate expression of femininity. In other words, to fully express the feminine necessarily requires cooperation with the masculine!

Finally, I'm ashamed to admit that I was attracted to your video because I had never heard the word egalitarianism. I don't quite agree with the idea that men and women cannot be 100% equal in every way within a marital relationship. In a marriage, the man and woman(ideally) become one entity working together to perpetuate the species. This symbiosis is essential to the survival all humanity. If that's not equality, then I don't know what is.

ps. Welcome to Steemit.


I love Beauty and Belly of the Beast. This has been resteemed by @eazyh. I follow her on Youtube. I do agree with you about the family unit being "the backbone of society." Family values and moral are diminishing. We are beginning to live in an androgynous society, and It is my personal belief this is the enemies way to cause more segregation, divide and the break down of the family unit. Gender roles are slowly fading, and young men and women have never been more confused about their "identity." Third Wave Feminism is supporting the idea of women living with both feminine (expressive) and masculine (instrumental) traits. (Visa Versa). I have been reading a lot on Cultural Marxism, Victorian Masculinity, and Imperialism. "Beauty and Belly of the Beast." often speaks of us living in a world of the hedonistic degenerate. It is so important to keep the dialogue going and holding onto our moral, values and tradition.
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I like your posts @eazyh I have followed you may I join you?

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