The Sea of Divided Souls (The Tenth Chapter; Part I)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

What do married couples go on after their wedding sera-moon-ey? A honeymoon. After any blood (serum-ony) becomes locked money (sera-money) through ceremony, it is now the water fluid (serum) of the Moon: mooney, money, the Moon’s honey, money of the Night (Sera), the honeymoon. 

When couples conceive on their honeymoon, they create a fetus, known as a bay-bee, for the Queen Bee, the Whore of Babalon (Baby-lon), the whore of the Father god of the Sun: Jupiter Ammon. They make money, honey. But the moon-honey that is created on the honeymoon feeds something. Who is the “us” that the fetus feeds? 

When one is married, he or she takes the female horse oath (mare-eed), which is also the sea-oath (mare-eed), and thus the couple is said to get ‘hitched.’ As a verb, ‘hitch’ is “to harness an animal to a vehicle.”  

But what is an ‘animal?’ The word comes from ‘anima’ + ‘mal,’ which literally means “bad soul.” The word ‘hitch’ also means “to catch, snag,” like fish being caught by the fisher of men, the King-Fish, I-Fish, Je-Sus, Dagon: El. 

The de-sire to get hitched will quite literally turn you into a de-mon, one who is divided and cut off from source. It’s a business. It was never designed for souls to find their mates and continue the process of becoming one flesh, as we’ve been deluded into believing. That process will happen without the Satanic laws of men interfering and turning that process into a business. 

After the couple is hitched through a female horse-drawn carriage (mare-iage), and a bay-bee is produced, the cycle has restarted. A ‘bay’ has four different meanings worthy of your consideration. It is “a body of water that forms an indentation in a shoreline.” A ‘bay’ is also “a compartment, as in a barn for storing hay.” 

Relating to the sense of sound, a ‘bay’ is “a deep, prolonged howl,” but also “a situation of powerlessness due to being actively opposed by an animal or person, or… something else?” This is where the term ‘at bay’ comes from. Why do wolves ‘bay’ at the moon? What keeps them at ‘bay?’ I love you, bay-bee. I love you too, honey. 

What do horses eat? Hay that is stored in a ‘bay.’ The sera-mooney (watery fluid of the Moon) is a body of water, a bay, and since hue-mans are mostly water, it is only fitting that they are called bay-bees, bees made of water that produce honey (Cristos, plasma) for the Moon, the Queen, to feed “us” (fetus). But who is us? 

Is the Moon a giant female horse, drawing the carriage of her marriage to the Sun? Is the Moon the illusory carriage of Cinderella, which is phonetically Sin-derella, Sin being both the name for a wicked deed and also the Moon? Cinder is burnt ash or ember, while ‘ella’ is the Spanish word for female. Is this merely symbolism that indicates some sort of electromagnetic relationship between the two heavenly bodies of the Sun and Moon, Solomon? 

What does Cinderella’s carriage turn into at midnight, mid-sera? A pumpkin. What color is a pumpkin generally associated with? Orange, or-ange, ore-ange, hence the Sun symbolism that corresponds to that color and that mineral to be mined (mind) for profit (prophet), as well as to the jack o’ lantern, which you light a candle in, because as they’ve told you, “our God is an all-consuming fire.” 

Horse’ is almost phonetically identical to ‘whores.’  So perhaps the giant female horse is really a giant female whore, as in the Whore of Babalon. Where is the Queen of this system? London. Interesting that Babylon, one variant of the spelling, looks like Baby-lon, as in Baby London, or Bay-bee London. Perhaps the City of London is the bay-bee of Vatican City, or was a bay-bee loan (Baby-lon). 

Marriage is also phonetically Mar-Age, and if using the Spanish word for the sea, ‘mar,’ it would make it the Sea Age, or Aeon of the Sea, governed by water, where couples produce bay-bees, which in turn grow up to make more money, moon-honey, honeymoons, and sustain the fetus cycle that feeds us. 

If you tamper with the phonetics and pronounce ‘us’ as ‘you-ce,’ while keeping the same spelling of ‘u-s,’ you get another identical Latin phonetic in the word ‘jus,’ which means “right.” This is seen in the masonic claim ‘Deus Meumque Jus,’ which means “God and My Right.” 

Why? Because the Satanic ideology that runs all the orders that control the corporations that control the governments adheres to Social Darwinism, the idea that they are in the positions of birth and power due to their genetic code. They believe they have descended from gods and thus have a divine right to rule people of lesser fortune and beings of lesser consciousness. 

This is known as the Divine Right of Kings. The color of honey is amber, or golden, just like the money of kings has historically been gold. So while the world wastes away in fraudulent paper and electronic currency, those who run the system use it to buy up the real assets so that when the music stops playing, they’ll have all the chairs. 

To be continued... 

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017

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