The Death Pledge (The Fifteenth Chapter; Part II)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

For the future generations that read this, as I am obviously not writing this material for the monkey-minded chaff of my race, although I am sure many of these empty shells will find this work and slander it, perhaps the gravest type of black magick that siphoned the generational wealth of the masses was through what most would consider the biggest purchase of their life: the mortgage. 

Why is the mortgage so important to the Black Magi? Because sovereigns do not discharge debt to acquire property. They convert gold or silver into property. Not only does one not own property that he was granted use of in exchange for discharging debt, but he also left a paper trail of admittedly agreeing to yield his sovereignty.  

“But Dylan Michael Saccoccio,” you say. “You are a lying deceiver, a half-truther, an Anti-Christ Luciferian, the Dajjal. I own my property. I paid for it in cash.”  Did you, now? Was it cold hard cash, as in gold or silver? Or was it with Federal Reserve Notes, fiat paper, debt? 

It's tragically hilarious to observe all you religious dunces use the same stories and characters for thousands of years, occasionally switching their hypocritical masks, yet you are naive enough to think no one will notice that your priestcraft deception is the same as the black magick the races before you used. According to your delusional worldview, God approves your sorcery, so it’s acceptable for you to murder children while you rape them and steal the fruits of others’ labor so you can live the lavishly degenerate lifestyle of your dreams. Good luck with that.   

As far as I'm concerned, you're all a bunch of inbred, first cousin-marrying demon trolls, which is why you cannot comprehend the simple Truth. Inbreeding causes retardation. That's why it's been made illegal in most places. You’re children in a playground who think, if they swap clothes, none of the adults will recognize them. Grow up. 

If you used fiat paper or digital ether to acquire your "property," then those promissory notes are death notes. They are frequencies of energy, sound notes for the dead, because a ‘mort’ is “a note sounded on a hunting horn when a deer is killed,” and you, my friend, are the buck that they fuck, hence the reason they pay you in bucks, because a ‘mort’ is also “a great quantity or number.”  

Get it through your thick skull, or scull. Sovereigns don’t buy or pay for anything. They convert gold or silver into property. The note, the mort, is the death of game in hunting, because you are the game, the most dangerous of all game, and the Black Magi are the hunters.  

When you take out a ‘mortgage,’ they have killed you, because in French, ‘mort’ means “death.” This is also seen in the Latin words ‘mors,’ ‘mortem,’ ‘mortis,’ which all mean “death,” hence the phrases we use in English such as ‘post mortem’ and ‘rigor mortis.’ 

Ralph Hawtry explains it so simply that even a child could understand it, “Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.” 

Every day I get people disgracing me, coming to me to slander my work, not the other way around. Meanwhile, most of you are in student loan debt forever, for an education that taught you nothing, and here I am teaching you more than anyone ever will for free. Yet I’m the one you treat like garbage because you don’t like my delivery. Tough shit. 

Remember how you behaved towards me. It will in fact be the primary reason that thwarted your evolution, and that dream of dressing up in a different hypocritical suit where no one recognizes your identity, as the angels send you beneath the plane of human existence, will finally become a reality. Not because it was me, but because it was the way you treated a servant of Truth who exposed all evil for you to do something about it, and you did nothing other than mindlessly consume it like you do everything and everyone else. I hope you like geodes.

In addressing the stockholders of Midland Bank in 1924, Reginald McKenna also demystified the way black magick institutions work, “I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do create money. And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hand the destiny of the people.” 

When you take out a mortgage, you are literally beheading yourself for a bank, which controls the flow of cash, currencies, and the currents of cash flows, like the banks of a river. The river banks were often where pirates buried the dead, hence banks are where you go to bury yourself in debt, or as the god of Wine said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” 

Now it is time to examine the second half of the hex. The word ‘gage’ is “a token of defiance: pledge of combat,” as well as “something deposited as a pledge of performance.” Gee, that sounds like an agreement. Thus, a ‘mortgage’ is “a death pledge” to those who enter into it with the Black Magi, but to the Black Magi, the ‘mortgage’ is “a pledge to deliver the debtor unto Death.” 

Is your stomach beginning to churn yet or are you still too ignorant to comprehend this? Perhaps if you see it in their own words, it will become clearer. In the mid-19th Century, the Rothschild brothers of London wrote to their associates in New York, “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” 

“But Great Tide,” you say. “This is blasphemy. My Roman demonic hex will return to save me from myself. The Lord Fish says so in the Bible. You’re a Luciferian.” 

You call me Luciferian as though it’s an insult, but most of you are so mentally deficient of the sacred science that you don’t even understand that Lucifer is Venus, the sacred feminine ruler of Taurus, the unconscious animal-mind: the cerebellum, hence the similarity to the words ‘bell’ and ‘bull’ and the connection they have to the Sun-god Bel, that the Bible sometimes calls Baal. 

What did you imagine the worthless fiat notes you call bills, and the Priests of Bail in your courts that you erroneously believe are judges were named after? You pay bail with bills, and swear upon their perverted scriptures to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, so help you God (IES; the Sun-god of the vintage that you mistake for IHS), and through their deception you agree to be everything they de-sire you to be: a Roman slave battery. 

The Latin word ‘Lucifer’ comes from the word ‘lux,’ which means “light,” hence the ‘Luxor’ is the “light ore, the ore of the Sun.” 'Lux' is combined with the word ‘ferre,’ which means “to bear or bring.”  

Therefore ‘Lucifer’ means “the bearer or bringer of the light.” Do I not bear the Torch of Truth? Do I not bring you the Light?  I most certainly ferry ('ferr-e') the Light of Truth, of God, because the ferry bears the ore across the current-seas, as people from all over the world receive this divine knowledge through my casting of it. 

But I do not worship Venus, nor any brainwashed fictitious Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Egyptian, Persian entities, or any other false idols that they stole from the sacred science of the Astro Logos. 

All creations are beneath the Creator and thus not worthy of my worship, nor my warship. I worship nothing. Get that through your depraved monkey mind of lunacy. I serve only the Truth of God, and that’s where my protection comes from.  

You can see it in my name. What does ‘Dylan’ mean? It is Welsh for “Great Tide.” For what else could be the progeny of Tiamat, or Ma’at, the pure sea of Truth? If you deal with me, you will answer to her. Enjoy it, because by the time she’s finished with you, you’ll be a plot on a wall of carrion that pulses in the lowest dungeons of existence.  

What is the middle of my names? Michael. What does Michael correspond to? The Sun. What ore, Min-Ra-El, does the Sun correspond to? Gold. What is gold carried in historically? A sack, a ‘saccoccio.’ What degree am I born in? The first degree of Leo, the Lion of Judah, the heart that pulses the light of Courage unto the world.  

Indeed, I bear the Light of the Sun, the Luxor from my Creator. You may call me Lucifer till the day you die, as the demons of Winter who do not want me to spread this knowledge refer to me, but it will never destroy the Truth, and I could not care less if you perish in bondage. 

I am only here to serve God, speak Truth, and help raise those who are willing to raise themselves. My Atlantean ancestors can pass you from netherworld to netherworld for all I care. If you find yourself in Atala, which we called Italia in the physical world, know that you’ve earned it.  

You made a death pledge to one of many ‘branches’ of a bank, which is “a tributary stream, a limb of any main stem, as distinguished from some other line from the same stock.” 

Branches’ are “wires that connect to a main source,” hence the reason banks ‘wire’ money, moon-honey, through branches like our hearts pulse blood through veins, or like a vintner presses the essence from grapes to capture them in jar-like vessels. The Black Magi are bottling your essence, the fruit of your labor. 

Bot-Els’ are “bots of God, of El-ectricity,” because ‘bots’ are ‘scroungers,’ “people who borrow with no intention of repaying or returning that which they borrowed,” and a ‘bot’ is “a device that executes commands and performs tasks with minimal intervention,” which is why the Black Magi view you as their ‘automatons.’  

And you know what? I agree with them. I have experienced your automaton insults, using repetitive words like 'pretentious' to describe me, when you've never even met me, joker. Well, the 'pre-tent' is the "dome that existed before we did, the dome that contains IO, the first hieroglyph of the Sun, and us." Thus, 'pre-tent-IO-us' is the macrocosmic Golgotha, dome of the skull, the firmament that shelters the Sun and us, as well as the Christ within us." 

Another favorite characterization of my work is 'purple prose,' as though that's an insult. If you weren't such a Deaf Phoenician automaton, you'd know that purple comes from the equilibrium of the red and blue shift frequencies being pulsed by our Creator, which is why the Phoenicians use it in their symbolism. It is equipoise, which is why I use that term to describe magick in my allegorical novels.

So in fact, that is the ultimate of compliments. But you're running your 'bot-El' scripts from your Pizza Gate human-trafficking pedophile programmers, and so you're an empty cadus, a shell of a vessel, a legal fiction husk that thinks a software program like AutoCAD (computer-aided design) will help an automaton cadaver like you discover the nature of the universe. It will never happen that way. Period. Enjoy your slavery. Not one single ascended master is returning to save you. Hold your breath though. The world will be better off.

What does your mortgage have attached to it? Interest rates. The banks earn interest off your death pledge because 'earn' is phonetically ‘urn,’ which is “a vase for holding the ashes of the dead after they’ve been cremated,” for that’s what the Black Magi did to you.  

They interred your dead, burnt body in a bank, because ‘inter’ is “to place a dead body in a grave or tomb; bury.” When one rests in peace, he or she is dead because ‘rest’ is “the repose of death,” and as a verb it is “to become or remain inactive.” 

When the Black Magi ‘urn inter-rest’ off of your death pledge, they have buried you in debt and made you a debtor, dead ore, thus they’ve siphoned off your spiritual light from God, your soul. 

The Old English word ‘est’ is a noun meaning “favor, grace, bounty, kindness, love.” In Italian and French, ‘est’ means “east.” What rises in the east? The Sun, the light of the world from God. What Zodiacal sign is Jerusalem, the gate in the east that God comes from? Aries.  

What is the morning star that is the brightest in the sky, announcing the arrival of the Sun? Venus, bright Lucifer, the bearer of light, because it indeed brings the light of the Sun, and when it rises in the evening, it is the Lord of the Night, hence the spirit of the Hungarian word ‘est’ that means “evening, eve.” 

To ‘urn inter-est’ is to “bury the cremated ash of kindness, grace, love, favor, and bounty, the fruit of the hue-man, in a tomb, or vault, in a bank." Thus, through the dark occult ritual, the Cremation of Care, they ‘urn inter-est’ by stealing the fruit of your labor, the ore of your experience.  

What is the bank of a river made of? Earth. Where are you? Earth. What is the first phonetic sound of ‘Earth’ and ‘urn?’ ‘Ur,’ the city of ancient Sumer, where the Black Magi were before they took their phony phonetic skills to Phoenicia. 

In a quote attributed to James Madison, “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” 

By entering into a mortgage, you are cremating your Care, which by virtue ceases the generation of your hue-man fruit, your grace, love, kindness, and favor with God. 

Regardless if this quote was ever uttered from the mouth of Thomas Jefferson, it is nevertheless the Truth, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” 

To be continued... 

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017

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