Jesus, the Rock Star (The Eighth Chapter; Part I)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

If you find yourself in my cross-hairs, it's because you are a practicing black mage. I serve only Truth, and there is no one I am unwilling to use the Sword of the Magus against in my service to Truth. So if you find yourself offended, crawl back to your safe space, you demon infested Satanist. You are unable to stand in Truth because there is no Truth in you anymore. 

As someone who comes from a Christian background, and who still loves the deep esoteric truth encoded in Christianity despite all I know about it, as well as all the other magickal scriptures of the other religions dating back thousands of years, it is not my intention to attack or offend anyone. However, I am sick and tired of watching Satanists pervert the sacred science under the guise of being so-called Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, etc. If this offends you, consider it a sign that you are under the hexes of priestcraft sorcery, and you are getting yoked good and hard by the same Inversive Brethren that are responsible for manipulating the world through death and debt so that you can never accumulate generational wealth or attain universally recognized sovereignty. It was not my intention to release this on Christmas, however, the syncromysticism cannot be ignored, as this degree in the Zodiac is my MC: 4 ˚ 44' Capricorn. You will note that 444 = 12 = 3, just as 777 = 21 = 3, another sycnromystic characteristic that should not be ignored. 

Of all the unique attributes that differentiate men from women, perhaps none are greater than that of the womb. Each womb-man is a portal to another world, a vesica piscis that the spiritual fire of man can open for another soul to enter this realm. 

Some women sync their menstrual cycle up with that of the Moon, which is symbolically feminine. The word ‘menstrual’ can phonetically be ‘men’s true al,’ as in men’s true fertility demon, and as we’ve already explained a demon is a divided or degraded one, a deity of the Moon. Under these circumstances, a menstrual cycle is a ‘moon-strual’ cycle, but is also correlated to the mind through phonetics because ‘mens’ in Latin means “mind.” Does this indicate that the Moon is the mind’s true demon? 

The waning Moon is symbolic of sorcery. Is Mary sending her son to fish the souls of men, or is he her lamb to be sacrificed to save their souls?  

Aries, the Lamb of God, was known as Gad in ancient Tsabaism (who some believe is Shaivism, part of the Vedic tradition), which is where God comes from, because Aries is Green Language for Rama, which means “most high, great, elevated” in Sanskrit, hence the Tribe of Gad in the Hebrew Bible. 

The constellation ‘Aries’ comes from the Latin word meaning “ram,” which comes from the much older word in Egypt, ‘Arez,’ meaning “Sun,” and thus God, and ‘Caph-Arez’ (‘caph’ being the rock, the Zor, that temples were built upon), just like ‘Chan-Arez’ relates to ‘Chan-Or’ (‘Or’ being another word for Sun, hence ‘or-ange’) and ‘Chan-Amon,’ where we get words like ‘cinnamon,’ because they are all related to the Sun, or Apollo, Zeus Ammon, Baal Hammon, Pan, Cernnunos, etc. Thus, the cycle of necessity begins.

Look up any artifact with a depiction of Jupiter Ammon, and you will see he has ram horns, because he was the most high, which corresponds to Aries, the great “I am.” 

On is the City of the Sun, Heliopolis, so AM—ON is the “fire being.” Contemplate the hidden power contained in the phrase “I am on.” Regardless of what any Deaf Phoenician may tell you, when a Christian finishes a prayer with “through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen,” they have been duped into saying, “through Jesus Christ our Lord Ammon,” as in Jupiter-Ammon, Zeus Ammon, because Jesus Christ is Ammon, the Sun, as admitted in the Revelation of St. John 3:14, “And to the messenger of the assembly in Laodicea write: These things saith the Amen, the witness, the faithful and true, the chief of the creation of God.”  

Why? Because Jesus is Jupiter-Zeus, the Amen, or Ammon, the chief of the creation of God, the most high: Rama, the ram, Aries, the Lamb of God: the Sun. 

Arez of the East is connected to Bel, Baaltis, Ba’al, and also to Dysares, the Arabian God, and one will note that the Greek version of Mars is Ares, because Mars rules Aries. It’s all symbolical of the Sun and fire, which is why the Sun is exalted in Aries, the sign of Cardinal Fire. 

Another layer of the symbolism regarding the Sun being worshipped as Jupiter Ammon, Jesus, is the ‘J’ that looks like a fishhook, because he is the fisher of men, Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter. Note that after we penetrate a deeper layer of Jesus, we will expose why Galileo named Jupiter’s fifth moon IO.  

The ‘J’ was not used till approximately the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries. The Romans used ‘I’ as the ‘J,’ which is seen in Iesus, but it comes from something much older. Again, this work is not intended to offend anyone, or attack anyone for his or her beliefs. However, to undo the hexes that have been cast upon humanity, Truth must be freed from the darkness of the occult, and it will undoubtedly make some readers incredibly uncomfortable. If you are having an emotional reaction to this thus far, I have not even begun. Go back to your safe space, for I am not here to save souls. I'm here to help those who seek Freedom from the slavery of Satanism, also known as man-made religion. 

The early Christians named their “savior” Christ after an ancient name of Bacchus, spelled in Greek as Iota, Eta, Sigma, which is Ies, Jes, or Yes. This is the occult meaning of the English language affirmation of consent, ‘yes.’ 

The common translation that Deaf Phoenicians will use to justify their ignorance and maintain their self-imposed slavery is that ‘amen’ means “a declaration of affirmation, so be it, or it is so,” which ironically is synonymous with ‘yes.’ This is because Bacchus is Yes, and Yes is Yesus, or Jesus, the Amen, the witness, the faithful and true, because ‘yes’ is a “pledge of fidelity and truth,” hence Jesus Christ our Lord Ammon (Amen) is the Truth. Who is the father and son? Dagon and Baal, Zeus and Apollo, Saturn and Jupiter, the Angel of Life and the Angel of Death, etc. 

There is no need to deny that Jupiter-Zeus, Jesus, is the Christ, the father and son, and the Christ, the Cristos, is the oil in the flesh that can only be raised by abstaining from the consumption of flesh. 

So before you mistake the Truth for the deception of the antichrist, another one of your mythical non-existent entities, you had better do the Great Work and discover how entrenched in the psyche of man this black magick actually is.    

“To whom God did will to make known what is the riches of the glory of this secret among the nations -- which is Christ in you -- the hope of the glory, whom we proclaim, warning every man, and teaching every man, in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, for which I also labor, striving according to his working that is working in me in power.” - Colossians 1:27-29   

Christ rises, and Jesus dies. Unfortunately, Bacchus’ ancient name (ΙΗΣ) is used in an even more deceptive way on Christian alter and pulpit pieces, under the occultation of IHS. The phony Phoenicians and their hexed minions will tell you that IHS means “Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus the Savior of Men.”  

The awful reality is that it is an occult symbol of Bacchus, the god of Wine, hence the consumption of the sacramental wine, the blood of Bacchus, the one of great fire, the Sun, as confirmed in Hebrews 12:29, “For our God is a consuming fire.”  

Even still, the Deaf Phoenicians will deny Truth till their dying day, for there is no Truth left in them. Keep this in mind, because Moloch is the Sun, Herod the King, the Hero of the Skin (Lion of July), Hercules, the universal light, the Ruler, the Regulator, the Monarch of the solar system (Israel) who rules the day. He doesn’t kill Rachel’s two sons (Joseph and Benjamin); he “passes through” them, or “puts them away,” because they are Gemini, and the Sun’s effulgence blots them out during May. The perverted Sun-worshippers who sacrifice children are yoked by priestcraft sorcery that turns them into religiously insane degenerates, and their beliefs have nothing to do with God. 

Gemini plays an incredibly significant role in our western way of life, and the Sun’s transition through it occurs from May 21 – June 21. 

But who rules Gemini? Mercury, who is Woden, hence Woden’s Day is Wednesday, the day of the week attributed to Mercury, and it is right in the middle of the week, or the weak, because Gemini is the June month, which comes from the Latin word ‘jungo,’ meaning “a joining, or joint,” and since Woden is Mercury, Woden’s Day joins the beginning and the end of the week, or the weak, because the ‘weekend’ is phonetically the same as the ‘weakened.’ 

In the world of elements, Mercury, is a solvent of metals that can separate gold and silver from the impurities of other ores. ‘Quick’ means “living,” so ‘quicksilver,’ the chemical name for Mercury, is also called ‘argentum vivum’ in Latin, which means “living silver.” Mercury is the carrier of the spiritual electricity, the messenger of the gods, the mind-fluid, that enables the Sun and the Moon (Solomon, the Soul of Man) to accomplish the Great Work. 

The Sun is exalted in Aries, the Moon is exalted in Taurus, and the twin souls split in Gemini. Mercury utilizes the spiritual fire from Jove, the Father of all gods, the giver of all good things, and as you’ll find in Latin etymology as well as that of legalese, ‘merx,’ the root word of Mercury, means “goods, or merchandise, articles of trade that can be bought and sold” and is evidenced in the Latin phrase Merx est quicquid vendi potest, meaning merchandise is whatever can be sold. This comes from an even older Greek story in which Hermes, son of Jupiter and Maia (the daughter of Atlas, who supported the heavens, which is also the name of the C1 vertebra that supports the skull), was also the messenger of the gods and the father of merchants and thieves. 

He was the god of oratory, symbolizing the necessity of becoming a good orator so that one can perform the Great Work of seeking and speaking the Truth, and in order to do this, our minds must be filled with ‘merx,’ good merchandise through which it can deliver the goods in its fulfillment of expressing itself. 

To be continued...

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017


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