Creatures of Creation (The Third Chapter; Part III)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Maritime Admiralty Law comes from Rome. Rome was founded by Remus and Romulus, begotten by a Vestal Virgin named Rhea Silvia, who was allegedly raped by Mars. Mars, the god of war, sees over the seas, oceans, and thus controls Commerce and Maritime Admiralty Law. A ‘law’ is a ‘rule,’ which is in the term ‘marshal law,’ a wartime condition in which the military takes over and rules a government. Therefore, ‘marshal law’ is also ‘marshal rule,’ which phonetically reveals that “Mars shall rule,” hence the wartime circumstances when this condition is implemented. 

In Greek, Mars was known as Ares, which comes from the ancient science of the stars, which is why Mars is the planetary ruler of the Cardinal Fire Sign of Aries.

In the Bible, Aries is referred to as the Lamb of God, for it is the beginning of the Cycle of Necessity, the sacrifice the soul makes when it departs from the Divine Ego of God to begin its journey of involution and evolution. As you'll see in this artwork, Aries is in the center, surrounded by the other four angles in the Zodiac: Taurus (Bull), Leo (Lion), Scorpio (Eagle), and Aquarius (Man). 

Returning to the word ‘mare’ in Latin, which means “sea,” it has the exact spelling of ‘mare,’ a “female horse” in English, which is phonetically the first sound in both ‘marriage’ and ‘maritime.’ A ‘carriage’ is a wheeled vehicle, as in one that is drawn by horses. Does that mean a ‘marriage’ is essentially a business vehicle drawn by the female? If ‘marriage’ isn’t a business, why do people need marriage licenses? Why do couples call their spouses their ‘partners?’ Why is the male called the ‘groom’ during a marriage ceremony? A ‘groom’ is "one who is in charge of horses or the stable, one who grooms horses,” who bridles the ‘bride’ with a ‘bridle,’ a headstall, bit, and reins of a harness that restrains the mare as she draws the carriage. Rome is the groom that bridles the sea, the mare, the female horse, with its admiralty law that enslaves the world.

But what is the carriage? The first sound in ‘carriage’ is ‘car,’ which may or may not be linked to the root word ‘carn,’ which means “flesh.” This is where words like ‘carne,’ ‘carnal,’ ‘carnivorous,’ ‘incarnate,’ ‘reincarnation,’ ‘carnival,’ etc. are derived. 

Understandably, the word ‘car’ probably has its origins from the Latin word ‘carrus,’ which is a wagon. However, the word ‘carrion’ also shares ‘car’ as its first phonetic sound, and is not bound by the ‘n’ in ‘carn,’ but ‘carrion’ is by definition “rotting or dead flesh.” ‘Carriage’ and ‘carrion,’ two completely different words, both share the majority of their form in the prefix ‘carri-,’ which is linked to wagon.  

Since there doesn’t seem to be clearly defined rules, it doesn’t require imagination to see that ‘carrion’ proves a word can incorporate “flesh” or “meat” into its meaning merely by inclusion of the prefix ‘car-.’ So with that understanding, though it may be a stretch to those trained to operate within rigid boundaries, let us suppose that ‘car-’ can mean “flesh, meat.” 

If we split ‘carriage,’ we get ‘car-i-age,’ or ‘flesh/meat-I-age.’ Or is it the Flesh Eye Age, Age of Flesh, the Aeon of Man/Aquarius, the Aeon of the Eye of Horus (Aquarius)? 

To age meat is to preserve it. The word ‘eed’ is Dutch for “oath.” Thus, when combining the Latin and Dutch words, to be ‘mare-eed’ is to take a ‘sea-oath,’ an oath to the Moon (mary-eed), or an oath to the See (Holy See). They are all one in the same once reconciled under Absolute Truth. Mary, Isis, Diana, the Moon, is the universal mother, the source of all manifestation. She is encoded in the body of the bull, in the riddle of the Sphinx, because the bull is Taurus, which is symbolic of the earth and fertility, hence it is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. The earth is known as Terra, which comes from the goddess Taaraa, another representation of the Sacred Feminine aspect of consciousness. This is why you hear dark occultists waging a War on Terra (the occult phonetics of the War on Terror), and why they named their enemy Isis. Venus is Lucifer, the morning star. The story in the Bible is an allegory for Venus' path in the heavens. It is the brightest star in the predawn sky. It "announces" the Sun of the morning. Once the Sun appears, Venus competes with it to be the "most high," but due to its path, it sinks below the horizon, or is "cast out of heaven." It stays below the horizon, or in the "underworld," till the evening when it rises again as Vesper, Lord of the Night. Never has it been, nor will it ever be, a masculine energy. It is why they added it to the Bible as a representation of evil, to reinforce this war on the Sacred Feminine aspect of consciousness, and the reason they get away with this immoral behavior is because the female population remains ignorant of this knowledge, or if they do know, they remain silent about it.  The reason I assign the responsibility to the female population is not out of blame or any other bigoted reasons, but merely because it is quite observable that they are the emotionally superior of the species, and were they to use their will and cut off these male dominators, the situation would change within a decade. The majority of men who bring the resultant harm into manifestation are behaving in a way that they believe will attract women. When they are no longer rewarded for their behavior by the companionship of females, and are shunned by females for their actions, they will no longer participate in the system that suppresses females and perpetuates human slavery. 

The Sacred Feminine corresponds to Care, the Generative Principle, responsible for creating the quality of our experience here. This is why the physical correspondents of the Black Magi perform the Cremation of Care ritual at Bohemian Grove every year. It is a ritual to destroy the Sacred Feminine aspect of consciousness and absolve themselves from their atrocities, because the goddess Isis represents the thoughts of God being put into form.

The god they sacrifice babies to is Molech, which corresponds to Ba'al.

In God We Trust... But do you really want to know which god?

Who is their god? El = Dagon = Saturn = Time = Set = Satan, hence the term elites, the name the servants of the Black Magi chose for themselves. Saturn corresponds to lead, which is an earthy element that blocks light. The Earth is responsible for the procreative process that is seeded in the moisture of the element Water and developed in love and action, which is Mars. Capricorn is an Earth sign, which is why its ruler is Saturn, and an occulted symbol for Capricorn is the Unicorn, which is conveyed on the Royal Arms because the Crown is also a symbol of Saturn. 

This is the occult meaning of ‘maritime,’ ruled by the marshal power of Rome, the head of which is the vital energy of God, the Sun. Unfortunately, the energy controlling Roman Maritime Admiralty Law, Commerce, the law of money, has nothing to do with the Creator. 

Since marriage is a business, does that indicate its function is to preserve the flesh of the parties through the creation of liquid assets called bay-bees? Are bay-bees not birthed through their mother’s birth canal after her water breaks? Do ships not sit in their berths at port? Are you not given citizenship through means of a birth certificate?  Is a matrix not a womb? Are we not birthed from a matrix? And are we not berthed in a matrix? Is Earth the womb, or is it a wharf in which our citizenship is berthed? Since ‘earth’ is an anagram for ‘heart,’ can a ‘heart’ be a ‘womb?’ Is a woman just a man with a womb, a womb-man

The immature Deaf Phoenician will mock, ridicule, and dismiss such questions due to the out-of-control ego that imprisons him or her. But perhaps there is some curiosity left in his soul that will allow him to break free from his Stockholm syndrome and see the world anew, through the eyes of himself rather than the eyes of others. The goal of this work is not to impose a worldview upon the reader, but help the Neophyte develop his or her own. 

A ‘language’ (Lan + Gu + Age)  is “a creature of creation and destruction that impersonally guards those who command them throughout the Aeons.”  

Using word-splitting and etymology, this is seen in both the Chinese and Vietnamese word ‘lan,’ which is an “orchid” in the feminine tense and, in the masculine tense, it becomes “mountain mist” in Chinese and “unicorn” (coincidence?) in Vietnamese.  

The creature that is born from this is the ‘kỳ lân’ in Vietnamese (pictured above), which is related to the ‘qilin’ in Chinese, a mystical creature that appears to protect the noble ones.  

Think about ‘mystical,’ which using the Language of the Birds and phonetics is ‘mist’ + ‘I’ + ‘see’ + ‘all’ (myst + i + c + al) = “in the mist I see all,” or “I see all in the mist.” This is the talent of the mystics, to pierce the veil. As we've already covered, Christ comes from Cristos, the oil or annointed one, because it is an allegory for the fluids in the spine that, if uninhibited, rise up through the 32 vertebra and cause the kundalini awakening of the pineal gland (third eye). This is the occulted symbolism of the pinecone in Vatican City:

On the left is Marduk, who killed Tiamat, and on the right is Dionysus:

Aachen Cathedral:

Hitler's desk. Note the pinecone symbolism at the top: 

More occulted pinecone symbolism, and as we've covered, the swastika is a symbol of the completion of the Cycle of Necessity, of Pisces in the Zodiac:

Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions over Duality and Ego:

Notice the Pope wearing the Triple Crown of Ba'al. We'll get into that much later. It's intense.

As we've already covered, Jesus is Ba'al. Satanists and modern Christians are opposames. They are part of a dialectic. Both pervert ancient knowledge to gain a tactical advantage over you.

If one seeks to become a mage, he will have to abandon the childish notion of coincidence theory and learn to discover the Language of the Birds. 'INRI' is Green Language for 'In Our Eye,' because that's where the Christ, the Cristos, goes to turn water into wine and replenish the blood. The eye single, the all-seeing eye, is the cerebrum, the optic thalamus. This is why Freemasons refer to Jesus as Christ Jesus, because they know that Christ rises and Jesus dies, as it is a metaphor of what happens when one raises the oil, the Christ, as well as how it corresponds to the cycle of the stars and the Sun of God. 

It's all symbolic and allegoric reference to the kundalini process, that all humans are endowed with from their Creator: 


Gu’ is the Dahomey god of war, smiths, and craftsmen. This corresponds to Mars, whose action leads to creation. An ‘age’ is an “aeon,” a long period of time, and as related to the Zodiac, the ages retrograde and each one lasts for 2160 years. Historically, outside of secret orders of the initiated, it has only been the elites that wielded the power of words and constructing paradigms with them, because they’ve had the time, attention, and resources to invest into learning the occult science of languages. Meanwhile, the masses occupy themselves with games, entertainment, recreational drugs, false saviors, erroneous dogmas, and other distractions that further compound their ignorance and incompetence.  

Hopefully, after experiencing this work, you will play with the words you see and hear in the silence of the golden god, audio (Au (the symbol for gold) + Dio (“god” in Italian). One of the axioms of black magick is that ‘silence is golden,’ for they presume it to be ‘consent.’ May you abrogate this erroneous notion for perpetual remembrance thereof.

To be continued...

The above is an excerpt from my latest non-fiction book. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, you can get the eBooks for free at most American online retailers (iBooks, Smashwords, B & N, etc.). 

Book 3 will be released in 2017:

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