Creatures of Creation (The Third Chapter; Part II)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The prefix ‘mon-’ can mean “one” (a variant of 'mono-' before a vowel) as in monacid, or it can mean “moon,” an anagram of ‘mono,’ as in Monday, monster (moon-star), or demon (deity of the moon or divided-one). Both meanings, ‘mono’ and ‘moon,’ are incorporated into the word ‘money,’ which is the current-sea governed by maritime admiralty law, the law of commerce: money. 

This is also exposed in the word ‘lunacy,’ phonetically ‘Luna (Moon) + sea’ (Moon-sea), which is “sporadic fits of insanity originally believed to be caused by phases of the Moon.” Lunacy is something one may feel as he or she discovers all the occult meanings and powers of words, and then their correlations to the religion of Money. But as the research is done, the feeling will subside through the validity of the empirical information one comes across.  

Exploring the second part of ‘maritime,’ Cronus is the Titan of the Harvest, whose symbol is the sickle or scythe, but also the snake. This corresponds to the nature of the cycles of time as depicted in the Ouroboros, the snake devouring its own tail. It is a representation of the beginning and end, specifically, that there is no beginning and there is no end, that the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end, and the All is one.  

Ouroboros’ can be split into ‘Our-O-Bor-Os,’ which phonetically can be ‘Our-O-Bore-Us’ or ‘Our-O-Bore-Oz.’ 

If one takes ‘O’ to be a symbol of a cycle, circle, completion, or wholeness, a symbol of the Ouroboros, the Zodiac, or even the number zero, one can see that hidden in the word is the meaning, “our wholeness bore us, our zero bore us,” or "hour zero bore us," because this is the point at which we manifest into this construct of Time that governs us, and to transcend to higher states of consciousness, we must transcend the Ouroboros and escape Father Time, who is Saturn, who is Satan. Previously, we've divulged that 'hours' is an anagram for Horus, the Sun, which alludes to the spiritual Sun that bore us, but that is also the Divine Spark within us (the Christ), the point of which some may refer to as 'nothingness,' which supports why the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is called the Ten Sephirot of Nothingness. This is why the solution to the Riddle of the Universe is taught by some occultists to be 0 = 2, in that all that is, no matter how complex, comes from zero, which is why the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) refers to the Tree of Life as the Ten Sephirot of Nothingness, but ‘nothingness’ is meant to be of an indescribable heavenly nature, unspeakable.

Ironically, the word ‘one’ starts with an ‘O,’ but is pronounced as though it starts with a ‘W’ ('double you' means from your perspective, you'd refer to yourself as a 'double I,' which = I, I = Eye, Eye = Aye aye, Captain). In astrology, the symbol for the Twin Souls, Gemini, is II, because they come from the Creator, Zero, the ineffable, O = II, the divine oneness from which all is descended, which is why in the soul's involution from the Creator, it separates in two at Gemini, and then makes the journey to complete the cycle at Pisces, eventually reconnecting with the soul mate and gaining immortality. This cycle corresponds to man and his material destiny during the first round of the Cycle of Necessity, which is why in Freemasonry they borrow this concept: Man must build his temple with his own hands. The keystone of its arch is Will, and its foundation is love. The Temple of Solomon is the Temple of the Soul-of-Man, and each person must build his own, just like the 32 Paths of Wisdom in Kabbalah are private paths that must be walked individually. In terms of the Zodiac corresponding to this spiritual journey, the highest point of the arch is Cancer and the lowest point of crystallization is Capricorn. In the physical world, this is observable in the heavens, which is why all the primitive Sun-Gods are born in Capricorn, just after the winter solstice. 

Oz’ in Hebrew means “strength, courage, powerful,” so the second meaning of Ouroboros (‘Our-O-Bore-Oz') could be taken as “our oneness bore strength, courage, and power,” hence the meaning of the title, The Wizard of Oz. ‘Oz’ is also the abbreviation for ounces, units of weight that quantify the heaviness or mass of matter. The anagram for ‘Oz’ is ‘Zo,’ which means “zoo,” which is the hidden meaning of the Zodiac and further illustrates the ‘O’ being a symbol for the Zodiac (more to come on this). ‘O’ is also the shape of the Sun and the Full Moon, but also an egg.  

The possibilities, though not endless, provide many different ways of understanding and using words. For an exercise, reader, you must look up the different meanings of ‘bore,’ whether that be the verb or the past tense of ‘bear,’ and complete your understanding of ‘our O bore us/oz.’ It's not right for me to rob you of the experience of discovering Truth for yourself.

Continuing our exploration of ‘maritime,’ Cronus was absorbed by the Romans and named Saturn, which is Satan (the adversary to the Sun), which is why the Grim Reaper, Father Time, reaps the souls (sols/suns/sons) with a scythe and why they say he devours his own children, because those who are born in time must die in time. In alchemy, lead corresponds to Saturn because it swallows all light, hence the scientific use of it to block radiation in the material world. 

The ‘lunar sea’ (lunacy) could be the ‘Moon See’ because ‘maritime’ is also ‘Mar-Eye-Time,’ and the reason they put the all-seeing eye on the world’s reserve current-sea is because the one eye (mono-eye) keeps tabs on its user, thus binding him or her to maritime law every time he exchanges it, because it is imprinted as a seal on a bill (bill is Green Language for Ba’al, the Sun) that people mistakenly call money (moon-eye), which binds everything to the Law of the Sea, the Law of the See (Holy See). This is Chaos Sorcery, which is why in Tarot, the Moon Trump XVIII symbolizes sorcery, for it puts the symbol of spiritual enlightenment, they Eye of Providence, the spiritual Sun, on an illusory debt note that tricks people to equate possession of these fraudulent instruments as "wealth," and they color it green to trick your subconscious mind into thinking that you'll have balance, harmony, happiness, etc. by slaving your life away to obtain it.

Phonetically, ‘holy’ is ‘wholly,’ as in “full,” like the Moon gets. ‘Holy’ and ‘wholly’ are also phonetically ‘holey,’ which is to be “full of holes.” There’s a saying that the Moon is made of cheese, presumably due to its yellow-white glow and visible craters, because it looks like it is full of holes when it is wholly full. This is why another term for making moon-eye (money) is “making cheddar,” which is also the same as “making money, honey.”  

Moon-honey is symbolic to money, a blending of the words, which is why after people get married, they go on a honeymoon, to produce a bay-bee (water bee) that they will raise to replenish their generation in making moon-honey for the Queen Bee, the Whore of Bay-bee-El-On (Babylon; ‘El’ = God and ‘On’ = City of the Sun).  

When one has moon-honey (money), current-sea, he has cash flow and liquid assets, but when an asset has gone under its book value in worth, it is said to be underwater. The Law of the Sea is the law of money, because money is liquid, hence the reason one has a marriage ceremony (sera-moon-ey/money), ‘sera’ being plural for ‘serum,’ which is a “watery fluid.” 

To be continued...

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