What's Inside a Sumerian Bag?

in #life6 years ago

I rail (although maybe it sounds like I rale) at the speed of light. Why am I so vociferous against a concept, a boundary, a rule. Knowing that nothing can go faster than the speed of light means that one is limited. Why try to find an alternative path if one knows that one will never go any faster. One of my dreams for mankind would be that we could explore the universe ... but how daunting a task. The closest habitable planet is probably 4.22 light-years away which means that travelling at the speed of light, we could arrive there in 4.22 years. Light travels at 1,079,252,848.8 (1.07 billion) km per hour or about 670,616,629 mph (miles per hour). The fastest manned vehicle went at 39,896 kph ... 24,790 mph. At our current technology we would take 10s of thousands of years to even start exploring the universe. Certainly it would be faster to go around space instead of through it.

The same thing applies to our knowledge of history. There might have been a culture which existed roughly 75,000 years ago. The evidence for this is "Adam's Calendar" a megalithic site in South Africa.

Once again we have the obvious problem of not being able to date stones. A person named Andrew Collins says the following:

I worked with technical engineer Rodney Hale in an attempt to check out Adam's Calendar stated alignments, and found no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the monument went back 75,000 years (available to anyone on request).

If one accepts that no humans had a culture 75000 years ago, there is no incentive to look for new evidence of truly ancient cultures. It raises a big stop sign. On the other hand, if one accepts the possibility people will continue to look.

The pyramids were built by Egyptians only a few thousand years ago.

Archaeologists believe Egypt’s large pyramids are the work of the Old Kingdom society that rose to prominence in the Nile Valley after 3000 B.C. Historical analysis tells us that the Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids in a span of 85 years between 2589 and 2504 BC.

This is based on carbon dating of wood found around the monuments. I suppose some future person doing the same thing will date the pyramids around our time period because of the amount of garbage dating from this time period that would be found due to excavations made 4000 years in the future.

The standpoint of archaeologists was that civilization could only be about 5000 years old. Then someone found Göbekli Tepe. So far they have found that it was inhabited during the period 9130–8800 BC. That is 11,000 years ago. Acknowledging that there is a possible pre-civilization (possibly from Göbekli Tepe or even earlier) which had the technology to travel around the planet opens the potential for more research ... not constraining it.

PS There seems to be a fair amount of mention of "Snakes" from around the world. In the Americas there are feathered serpents, snake mounds etc. In the bible, there is a "snake" in the Garden of Eden which leads Adam and Eve to accept knowledge. Saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland (even though snakes never were indigenous). Perhaps there was a pre-culture associated with snakes. This does not mean necessarily they worshipped snakes or were snake people but possibly it could have referenced a zodiac symbol. In antiquity there was a 13th symbol Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus holds apart the serpent which with its mighty spirals and twisted body encircles his own, so that he may untie its knots and back that winds in loops. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns: and the other's hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last forever, since they wage it on level terms with equal powers".
(see Marcus Manilius: the Astronomica page 11)

Just as the "Minoans" were associated with the Bull (Taurus), Jesus was associated with the Fish (Pisces) and we will be associated with Aquarius it is possible there was a society associated with the Snake.

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