One hundred thousand years ... or just a bad week?

in #life5 years ago

Is the climate changing? As always.

Are humans responsible for climate change? Humans have contributed to events described as being caused by climate change: pavement within cities increasing local temperatures and contributing to flooding due to poor drainage; killing off animals like bison or elephant which are pivotal in maintaining the local biome; manipulating water movement and committing arson. However, the climate is a complex mechanism which cannot be simplified to a change of a couple of hundred parts per million of a gas which is also the product of natural actions

What is this video about?

I have posted a couple of times about patterns that affect the weather. An important cycle is a solar cycle which every few years influences temperatures by the waxing and waning of energy as indicated by sunspots. This video references a cycle that appears every 12000 years (roughly - 12068 approximately), where the magnetic field is altered by some event associated with the sun and more distantly the center of our galaxy. Instead of a black hole at the center, some theorize that it is a super-massive pulsar which pulses dust, gases and electromagnetic fields on a fixed period. Evidence in support of this supposition is the Radcliffe Wave currently in close proximity with our own sun.

Aside from geologic evidence organizations such as the Diehold Foundation that attempts to find evidence of magnetic reversals in prehistoric and historic sources. While many fringe thinkers stir up speculations that do not conform to the conventional narrative, sometimes it is important not to ignore what they say. As an example the discovery of Troy which had slipped into the realm of mythology but also Göbekli Tepe which contradicts the narrative that human civilization is less than six thousand years. Göbekli Tepe has been in existence for 12,000 years and was mysteriously abandoned and buried by its inhabitants. Is it possible that the inhabitants were aware of devastation from a previous cycle and had preserved their city by burying it?

I encourage everyone to look beyond the normal narratives and do your own research to form your own conclusions.

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