My thoughts on White Supremacy and European Global Imperialism

in #life4 years ago (edited)

I have been conducting a discussion on Youtube as a consequence of a critique of Jordan Peterson. While we have strayed quite far from the discussion of Jordan, I feel some points of interest can be discussed.

Here is the message I am responding to:

Admittedly, many more kinds of 'privilege' exist in the world than our 'woke' contemporaries would have us believe.
One might even propose that the idle rich suffer from certain kinds of experiential deprivation, which undermine their well-being in the long run. Does not James say that God has 'chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which God has promised to those who love Him'?
I do acknowledge the 'reductio ad absurdum' of terms and concepts used by 'progressive' factions in the course of debate over 'race' and 'privilege'. However i do not consider 'white supremacy' as conceptually null and void----------------not at all, so long as we are considering specific and appropriate historical contexts. I have in mind race-based systems of caste--------of which the antebellum South, 19th-century Brazil, and South Africa under apartheid are good examples (the latter having been influenced by Calvinism, not Catholicism).
The confluence of European global imperialism and Darwinism during the late 19th century gave renewed energy to racist narratives as justification for exploitation of non-European peoples. Have you heard of the Congo Free State, which preceded Belgian annexation of the Congo?
It's not hard to see 'anti-racist racism', or anti-European narratives of supremacy, as natural reactions to this sort of abuse.

I have thought about "White Supremacy" on a few occasions. There is a group of people called the Sentinelese. They are as far as I know the last pocket of Stone Age people. The Indian government has wisely decided to quarantine these people preventing outsiders from visiting them. It is wise because visitors tend to be met with unpleasant consequences. As discussed previously, I encourage people to associate with the people they want to associate with. Is it right to dictate what people are to say or think? White supremacy is a hold-over of thinking from hundreds of years ago. It is a product of when moderately educated travellers encounter people not far removed from the stone-ages. It is understandable how the feelings of superiority were germinated (how do you feel about the Sentinelese?).

With regards to "European Global Imperialism", consider the "African Global Imperialism" that we are experiencing today. While we might be considering this a flight from starvation and oppression ... merely a proposition of immigration, in 500-years it will be described in different terms. While a few people during the "colonial period" did want to put their stamp on the map of the world, most people who were the colonizers were fleeing from starvation and oppression. From 1300 to 1850 was the Little Ice Age. Over fifty percent of the people of Europe died due to famine and disease. My Acadian ancestors who came to Canada in the early 1600s had no intention of exploiting the native population, they came to escape starvation (and possibly persecution). The same could probably be said of the Dutch farmers who settled in South Africa. People who practice agriculture are more efficient than hunter-gatherers or pastoral herders.
Having people in power in the "colonized" countries replaced by these "imperialists" can be seen in today's society. If you look at any "northern" country today, positions of power have been taken over by people of the south. We don't consider immigrants entering politics today and changing the nature of northern societies as necessarily bad. We are seeing people once heroes of the past being vilified by the southern "imperialists" of the present. The mayor of London, England is erasing the past with the justification that these were evil people and in some cases made money from the slave trade. Meanwhile, his ancestors practiced slavery and members of his "religion" practice slavery today. One could go on and point out the hypocrisy of present-day politicians coming from southern countries but it serves no purpose.
The invasions of the north now and the invasions of the south 500-years ago (roughly) are just a repeat of a looping series of invasions going back thousands of years, ironically made possible by our good friend climate change. Currently, we are just on the brink of entering the modern cold period having gone through the modern warm period. The warm period has meant that the climate has been optimal for people living in the north and less so for people living in the south. The Little Ice age was just the opposite. People in the north died from diseases and crop failures brought on by colder temperatures. Prior to that was the Medieval Warm Period which saw millions of northern people enslaved by Arab slave traders and the invasion of the north through Spain, the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe.
One is able to trace this conflict back and forth through history by the direction the conflicts came from. Whether it was the Punic Wars, Alexander the Great or the attacks by the Sea Peoples "imperialism" is just a cyclical event.

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