Girl in a dream

in #life6 years ago

A week ago I saw a girl in a dream. She didn't look like this but she was looking away. When she turned to look at me, it was like glass breaking. A couple days later I had a different dream in which I was explaining to a server in a restaurant about why a cousin of mine would not be attending ... she had asked specifically about him. I had the sensation that I recognised the server but in the light of day I know I did not. Fortunately I haven't had any other strange dreams like this. The first one I felt that I was quite a bit younger while the second one I was perhaps 20 years younger.

I wasn't processing "real people" or movies. It felt as if I was looking at my life in an alternative reality.



That happens a lot and is very good, I recommend that when you dream you try to look at your hands that will help you to keep more control of yourself and solve puzzles.

I hope you will soon visit my profile.

maybe you are thinking about that through out the day and than you just dream about that. You have to know that all the dreams are your own thoughts and events, saved in your own subconscious.

I wish that it was as simple as processing information from the day.

it's not that simple. our subconscious is still a big mistery. Just an example; statistics say that we, men, think about sex every 7 seconds :) but I guess no one actually thinks about it so many times through out the day.

Setting aside the concept of the subconscious, I actually was experiencing processes like recognition. I "recognized" the server. This implies that "grandmother cells" were being activated.

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