Canada is both sexist and racist.

in #life4 years ago

In response to this video, I penned the following reply:

Dear Ezra, please stop trying to defend Canada. Canada is both sexist and racist. Sexism happens when one sex, makes blanket statements as a whole against the other. The phrase "a woman's place is in the home" springs to mind. Racism happens when people are prejudiced against a group of people from a loosely similar ethnic background. You pointed out correctly that during WWII, we interned Japanese and at other times we have reacted negatively to various groups. As an example of sexism, the belief that men cannot be trusted because they are sexually predatory and are physical abusers is an example of sexism. Some men are predators who will pretend to like or will force a female into sex. Some women too are predators ... pretending to or actually becoming pregnant to entrap males into providing financial security. Some men will emotionally or physically assault women. An unrecognized fact is that as many men have been emotionally abused as women. In men, 48.8 percent have been shown to be emotionally abused compared to 48.4 percent of women (CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey - 2010). As far as physical violence, 1 in 8 men has been physically abused by women ... This value cannot be correctly be compared to women's statistics. A) Women tend to be serially assaulted (going through multiple male assaulters) although each situation is considered unique. In the case of men, once bitten twice shy. They tend not to connect with future women who assault them. B) Men under-report violence inflicted upon them out of shame. C) Women tend to inflict damage in areas men don't tend to show in public. Bruising on the woman's arms when he restrains the woman from hitting him tends to be obvious ... so an innocent victim becomes seen as the perpetrator. Of course, women are allowed to talk openly about their abuse but men's groups who need to discuss their experience are denied a platform ... a sure case of sexism (consider the plight of the Red Pill Documentary and the ease that it was aired in Canada).
Let us take a look at racism. Swearing is antithetical to my nature. Why use one word when there could be a paragraph of far descriptive words that could be better. However, this is one area that frustrates me so much I am reduced to the thoughts "F*** off and just go home". There are many things that I can use to illustrate that "White People" are discriminated against ... but you have made the point. "Whites" are not allowed to speak. Ironically "whites" have become the "untouchables" in this country (consider the nuances of this statement). What is worse is that Canadians are undervalued and suppressed in favour of non-Canadians. Consider most of the professions have a quota system that limits the number of people able to enter those courses at university. In some cases, they have an actual limit to the people allowed to enter the field. In some cases, they limit the numbers based on marks. In all cases, there is a fundamental lack in our education system which encourages students to strive to join a particular profession or to even exploring if a person would have an interest. How many young Canadians could achieve the level of Chief Medical Officer but failed to have the encouragement or education to even attempt that position. Instead of nurturing the potential we have in this country, we often will hire from outside of the country (because of the lack of qualified people). Indeed there is systemic racism against Canadians.

Canada is indeed sexist and racist.

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