Just a heads up about the ammount of output ill be putting up

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey gals and guys. hope some of u actually read this. Currently on a tablet, so yhere are bound to be many typing errors.
Had such a productive day yesterday. 3 loads of washing done, sunrise photos done (i actually SPRANG out of bed to get them done... At like,5am)
Managed to get a sub melt from subway (a lot of stores stopped making it for some reason)
And ran into a kid i did my IT cert 3 with.
Some of he yard work even got done. He world was my oyster.

And it just kept getting better.
I got a message from the lady whom i had met at a book swap place baxk in november last year. She had some good bad (or was it bad good) news.

I had had to get rid of my cat back in november as cirxumstances that i wont go into,meant that i had to move, and the only place i could find wihin my budget, didnt alow pets. Her 70yo friend had revently lost his cat/had had stolen, and he could take her. Win win.

He gist of the message was, thatbhe had taken a turn, and was likely to end up in care, and would i be abke to take he cat back. COULD I!?!?
Didnt need to be asked twice.

The place id taken in november hadnt ended up being suitable for me, and by mid december, i hadnmoved again.
In with a friend id known from school, 20 odd years ago. We had previously lived together, and we get on great.
That, and hes usually at his parners most days, so rarely see him.

Woke up this morning to a message at 7am. Guys address and phone number to make contact. Phone was flat, so let it charge for an hour or so whilst i showered and shaved. Hadnt seen her (phoenix) since november, and wanted to make a good impression. Yeah, im a tad weird.

9am i got on bus to head out there. Rang lady 3 or 4 times to no avail, and him 3 times also to no avail. Gotthere around 10, and he had to be out by lunch time. So i helped him with the heavier stuff, till 1:30.
Landlord arrives, informs him he has half an hour, and then the housenis getti locked up.
Its at this point i ask the pertinent question. The reason i am there in the first place.
'Am i takin her, or what?'

Wait whut?!?
So that was a waste of nearly 4 hrs.
I.... Didnt take the answer too well. I picked up my bag, and walked off. I may have let my emotions get the better of me, and punched a, what i thought was wooden, wall. Turns out it was fibro. It smashed.

I walked bck to the bus stop in a bit of a huff. Rang the lady, quite irrate.... What.....the.... F....
Then i realised she wasnt the issue. Apologised, and lowered my tone. She hadnt done wrong by me. She was just tying to help.
I calmed myself, regathered my thoughts, and informed her of what had happened. Spoke to her for about 15 min, and asked her, if anything happened, re: him going into care, to let me know.

Quite a day.

But wait.... There's more....
Explained to the lady i needed to mellow out, and would probably hit the pub, see if i couldnt trigger my dormant alcoholism.
I successfully defeated the thought. And proceeded to the local grocers to pick up something to nom.
Thats when i got the phone call...
I don't usually answer unknown numbers.... But this time i did. It was the flatmate. Slight sigh of relief.
But only briefly.

He's had a phonecall from the landlord. Rent arrears of nearly $4000 needs yo be paid by end o business tomorrow. Or we have 14 days to vacate.
Great. Just what i need.

So i reached out to a few people, see what i can do. Not much.
So it looks like im up he shitter, wthout a paddle. Hes also reaching out on his side.

And thats why my feed may get a little bit more busy.
Apologies for lack of pictures, tethered internet.


[10:51 AM] ~~~: ok, wisdom, you can get the cat or another at a later date. Spend time wisely now doing a job search, thenn move to that area
[10:51 AM] ~~~: secure your income, secure a better place to live, everything else follows that
[10:52 AM] ~~~: most importantly, decide that everything will work out and decide to feel ok because the mind will want to be negative
[10:52 AM] ~~~: what happens then is, dramas begin to stop
[10:54 AM] ~~~: then in preparation for your move = declutter, sell or donate what you dont really need right now as everything is replacable
[10:55 AM] ~~~: dont go to the pub or the pipe, keep a clear head
[11:00 AM] dunstuff: Yeah I'm doing the ring around at the moment. I know a friend will let me store stuff at their place for a little while
[11:00 AM] dunstuff: Thanks for the advice. Your always full of it. :)
[11:00 AM] ~~~: just lived it and learnt a lot the hard way
[11:01 AM] dunstuff: Bingo.
[11:01 AM] ~~~: they key now is: Recognise when the thoughtswant to drag you to a negative or overwhelm , decide you are in control and what if the current events = a happy opportunity
[4:43 PM] ~~~: hey as an idea, under your steemit post, copy and paste my comments above :smiley:
[4:44 PM] dunstuff: i was actually gonna ask that, if i may screen shot ure advice, and black out the username
[4:45 PM] ~~~: reason is, most people only need a hand up / direction to help them start stepping out of what can be stressful times

^ i love this guy. sometimes he tells me just what i need to hear. and if he were closer, would also slap me upside the head if i needed it too.

Update - just seen him in the park. Cat is in a cat carrier, in a shopping trolley. Doing my best not to go down there and release 'the ultraviolence'

Sending you prayers and positive thoughts. This is a lot to deal with and I applaud your self control
Your friend's advise is very sage. Take care. I hope you find a reasonable place very soon.

ikr. he is also struggling for money atm. i was going to see if he would like to be a 'guru for the people' and i would work out a way to get some coin to him as reward :)

That's a good objective. Do you think he will?

today was stressy. i was looking at bad shit on youtube. ireached a conclusion. turn this shit inward, and poop it out. added a new channel in my server.

this song helped.

Thank you for sharing this song. I know the pain of suicide first hand. My mom and two of my aunts (her sisters) chose it. I'm here if you're ever in need of an ear.

Wow that was quite a day!

Glowing eyes of loathing!

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Rent arrears of nearly $4000 needs yo be paid by end o buisness tomorrow.
It should be business instead of buisness.

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