Your childhood dream - VS - You today

in #life7 years ago

When I worked as a substitute in an elementary school, they gave me a class of second graders and you have to be really easy with those kids. They were kinda scared when they first saw me, so I had to break through the ice and show them that they can relax with me. Of course that I had to ask them what they want to be when they grow up. One of the spirited boys stood up and said out loud:

"I want to be a policeman!"

And probably he will be. He was lagging behind his schoolmates and had the worst grades in the class. But he was a bully and tallest and strongest of all second graders.

Others of those seven or eight years old kids had amazing answers:

"I want a be Spider-man!", said the smallest boy with glasses.
"I want to be the President of the World!", a little girl, the best pupil in the class.
"I want to be a veterinarian!", another little girl, both of her parents actually were veterinarians.

Next few answers were like "fireman", "truck driver", "cook", "actress", "singer", "babysitter", "soccer player", "ballerina" and the cutest girl in the class said that she (and her mom) wants to be a supermodel. I looked at her grades, nothing special, so she will probably fulfill her dreams. The girl who was sitting right next to her looked at her angrily and said that she wants to be a nun.

There were even some answers like "nuclear scientist", "doctor for very sick people" and "computer super genius".

One of the boys said that he will not do anything, he will just play PC games all the time.
Interesting, nobody wants to be an economist, a lawyer, a banker, accountant... I guess that not many kids see themselves in suits with briefcases. But probably the most of them will end up as economists. Now they don't even know what is that.

I haven't seen those kids for more than a year, so I kinda think that "fireman", "truck driver", "cook", "actress", "singer", "babysitter", "soccer player" and "ballerina" maybe changed their plans for future.

As the kids grow, their dreams are becoming more real. But it is very possible that their earlier dreams shape their future dreams. For example, when I was a kid, I had a friend who wanted to be a famous musician. Today, he is a piano teacher. And one of my best friends always was saying that he will be a reporter in a gaming magazine. Today he is an awesome gaming blogger here on Steemit (guess who). But things can go in different direction. I knew a guy who wanted to be a psychologist as child, now he ended up as psychological case. It wouldn't be nice if the boy who wants to be a policeman ends up as a criminal.


At the earliest age, we think that everything is possible.

We pick up our dreams from the things we see. But not many of us were successful in fulfilling dreams. I think that a girl who wants to be a veterinarian will succeed. First, both of her parents are veterinarians, second, she seems somehow more mature than others.

Let's take a look on the little boy who is very passionate to be a singer. But it is not enough just to dream about it. The talent is needed, hard work also. We'll see what the future will bring.

Can you make a connection between your dreams from childhood and you today?

You could be surprised if you think about it! When I was a kid I dreamed to be a world famous rapper. But it was kinda funny, you can't be world famous rapper if you rap and sing on Croatian language. But my dream took me somewhere else. My knowledge of music production and my beats made more money for me than every job on which I was working. That's why I think that every dream from childhood has influence on future.

Thank you!

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