Happy World Kindness Day!!!

in #life8 years ago

Dear sisters and brothers Steemers, so kind of you for reading this post! In next lines, I will try to share with you all of my best thoughts and all my kindness. After all, today, November 13th is World Kindness Day and I am always affected with these "World Days of...", because they remind us that we are only humans, but also remind us on all we can be!

Kindness in one of the Knightly Virtues.

So, if you want to be a knight of modern age, you don't need a weapon, a horse or an armor for that. It is not all about fighting the evil and crushing the enemy. You can protect the others from danger on many other ways.
So many people are looking for an act of kindness, help and understanding. The true knight of modern age is concerned for that people, helps them and don't ask for anything in return. Kindness is often followed by smile and I already wrote how the smile is the key that can open many locked doors.

We don't live in a fairy - tale!

The reality of life can be really ugly and many people cannot fight with it alone. Some of them are too proud to ask others for help. I don't think that an individual can do much to change this world. But together, we can do beautiful things, we can break all borders that keep us suppressed. It is very hard to unite many people in one common goal and that all of them feel the same passion for that. All of us must start to share the kindness with our closest friends and inspire them to do the same. It is very important how we treat people around us, we live with that people, we share with them good and bad energies. Sometimes, we react on the way we don't want to react and that affects our family and friends. When we feel bad, we don't need to pass that feeling to others. Only we can do is ask for kindness and understanding. If we already crossed the limit, we need to ask for forgiveness. And there can't be any calculations in your asking for forgiveness, only your heart must be included. And do not expect to be forgiven straight away. People are sensitive and they don't forget easily.

There are no any complicated philosophies in it. A very simple, poor man can be a noble knight.

And he doesn't need a sword or a spear to be a knight, only kind words and opened heart. You can't feel exactly the same as somebody next to you, but you can try to imagine. Imagine yourself walking few hundred meters in that person's shoes. Some of these shoes are really uncomfortable and the path that you must walk in that shoes is really long and dangerous. But it becomes much shorter and safer when you have somebody to walk with you.

Little things make me happy because I don't know so much about great things.

What would you do with all money in the world, if each smile that you get from people around you, is just a result of calculation? People can be very tricky and kindness can be abused so you must be careful. It is not easy to recognize honest attentions. After all, we live in the world ruled by money and some people will do anything to achieve their goals. So, be ready to see many of false kindness and slimy kindness. But you can recognize the difference between true and false kindness as you can recognize the difference between heart and math.

THANKS TO weewatch.com FOR THE IMAGES!!!

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