Cool head makes you a winner

in #life7 years ago

Everybody who knows me can confirm that I am not a calm man.

I am very passionate, emotional, inpatient and impulsive. On my face you can see that I am happy or angry, there is nothing between that. I speak loudly what I think, I don't hesitate to share my ideas or ask what I don't understand. When I am tired or hungry, I become a nervous beast and when I am satisfied I want to share my extra energy with the rest of the world. I can't listen for so many voices at the same moment and if somebody tells me something wrong in the wrong time, I could explode like a bomb in his face.

You can do with me whatever you want, but if you touch someone who is close to me, it won't be any good from it. When I get mad, my face turns red and I can tell bad things that I don't truly mean! When I am normal, I don't waste words for nothing and I am very friendly and positive guy, but there is a line that nobody should cross. That kind of temper can get you into trouble very easily.

The most of things that make me angry and mad are injustice and boasting.

Actually, it is good to react on those things but not the way how I used to react. I would tell what I think and, instead of making the point, continued with attacking and that didn't make results I expected. Only calm head can come up with solutions for some problems.


So I made few bad things in my life only because I was angry. Of course that I regretted just few minutes later. So I decided to find my own way to cool my head in stressful situation and prevent my bad reactions as the bad consequences. And I think that everybody of us should have an individual way for that.

I noticed that my body sends me signs when I'm loosing control.

I noticed it on my knees. When I get mad, my knees become restless and I cannot stand on one place, I have to make some steps, forward, backward, I don't have any peace! That's why I started with that, if I want to have calm reaction, I first have to calm my body. So I decided to force myself to stand on the same place and tried to take control over my anger.

Then I take a deep breath on my nose and imagine how that air cools my brain. In that moment I have to decide: will I stay there and have normal, healthy, adult reactions or just say: NO! I won't let you to disturb my peace and I will walk away. I will just take a walk and come back when it's safer for you.

If I choose the first option, then I have to be consistent and have an argue without insulting or raising my voice till the end. That's probably the best way and my cool head makes me a winner. But sometimes, there is no other than leave. Maybe it's better that than act as a mad monkey!


wise man said - only fools rush in...

I am trying to know you from your posts! Keep up the good job!

Thanks for the comment!

"Everybody who knows me can confirm that I am not a calm man."
I do not think that you are inpatient and impulsive
I know you from your posts
and really I learned a lot from you
I think you are so patient and so calm
Thanks for sharing
Have a great friday mate

I am glad to be helpful. I usually overthink and some thing from the "outside world" can really make me mad. I am sure that many of you would be also angry about injustice or boasting, but sometimes, i really do overreact - I can't keep my mouth shut and that's the problem with me! Thanks for the comment!

dumar022 - You hit the nail on the head. It never pays to get angry and lose control. It is true that the body actually sends us signs that we are losing control but we often ignore them. In my case, I get a pounding feeling on the sides of my head, above the ears. Thanks for drawing attention to this important fact. Upvoted.

I would be honored if you check my latest blogs when you have time. Your comments will be very valuable to enrich my experience. Thanks.

Mature thinking, all starting from our brains, to produce good results later.

I think its good to be passionate though. Yes level headed, but not afraid to speak out.

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